<p>Hi! I was wondering...do you put the topic choice on the extended essay or just assume they will know which essay you're doing? Thanks!</p>
<p>They’ll know by the choice you selected in the supplement, but I’d put the essay topic on the top just to make things easier for them.</p>
<p>I agree. Putting the prompt at the top will will simplify things.</p>
<p>You can put up the title if you want, I suppose, though I didn’t bother (and was accepted; don’t worry :D). You have to select one of the radio buttons for your prompt in common app, I think, so they know what one it is, unless you’re submitting it by mail.</p>
<p>Yea I didn’t put the choice becatus like MilesandEvans13 said you choose on the common app forms. (I too was accepted. =). )</p>