Essay Topic Too Risky?

<p>I don't think it's necessary for the fire in the essay to have been built at a designated camp site. Just that it might be helpful to reference that is was built wherever it was with awareness and responsibility. That could probably be accomplished in a few words, well-placed. Or not. I mean, it's a judgement call. I think the OP was just asking for people's impressions. I think it's an issue that could be neutralized with a few well-chosen words, is all. We've been living in smoke all summer from wildfires. Some were lightening strikes, some were started by human error.</p>

<p>^^^ I agree. Based on the OP's concern I was assuming (perhaps incorrectly) that the kids built the fire illegally. That may not be the case - it's true that there are wilderness areas that that do allow campfires. If so, I might want to make that clear somehow, too. It may be overkill, but better safe than sorry.</p>