Essay word count

<p>In one essay that is supposed to be under 500 words, I have 514. I have tried really hard to eliminate anything unnecessary, but I can't cut anymore. Is 14 words that big of a deal?</p>

<p>No (10char)</p>

<p>You risk not having your essay read. You can cut 14 words. If you have time, distance yourself from the essay and then revise. You can do it!</p>

<p>depends if it’s written or if you’re sending it over the internet…</p>

<p>Aw come on, you are so close to 500 words, I’m sure you can change around some of the sentences to eliminate a few more words. It isn’t THAT many, and you don’t want anything that they can criticize, especially something that was stated in the directions.</p>

<p>Most schools say approximately, so I think your fine :). Read the instructions carefully though. If you’re handwriting it, it’s not like anyone is going to sit there in the admissions office counting words.</p>

<p>+14 words is not a big deal at all.</p>

<p>If you’re sending it over the internet you pretty much have to cut the 14 words. For the Peddie appliclacation, they had something like that and every time I’d load an essay, some words would dissappear. SO frustrating! If your sending it in seperately, see if there is nothing you can cut, but I don’t really think they will sit there counting out the number of words you wrote. This is coming from a 13-year-old though, so don’t blame me if I happen to be dead wrong XP.</p>

<p>It may only be fifteen words, but there is no point in taking the risk. Try rewording whole sentences in different ways rather then cutting out useless words as you find them in your essay.</p>

<p>i suggest you send an email or phone the school to ask them. as vom said, no point taking the risk, but if you simply CANNOT cut it down any further (and trust me, I know how that feels), then ask!!! no harm will come out of it, juz good :)</p>

<p>Pinkheart is right. If the essay is compelling and a bit long they will forgive you.</p>