Estimate your admissions decision from UCSD

<p>I'm going to repost my question...
I won a national essay contest, receiving a $100 scholarship. Rider730, you said that this doesn't count, right? OR does it count?</p>

<p>yummymango - I do not believe that scholarship contests are considered in that category. Large numbers of applicants win scholarships, at least the overachievers typical here on CC. Except perhaps the one or two major ones and remember that they are looking for the very top like first place. That is why National Merit Scholarship finalists wouldn't all be given the points. </p>

<p>That is just my interpretation, but the only decisions that count are those at UCSD. If you don't get the admissions offer yoiu hope for, call them. They will tell you what points you earned and discuss whether that essay contest should be awarded 150 or 0 points.</p>

<p>From what I gathered on <a href=""&gt;;/a> , the last post, the cut-off for 2008 was 7576 for in-state applicants. I don't know if that's completely right.</p>

<p>Nevermind, 7576 was the in-state cut-off for 2008. I just checked with that CC user who called UCSD the day after they were rejected. </p>

<p>:) So I'm assuming the cut-off this year will be slightly higher than that, maybe even 100 points more.</p>

<p>This wait is killing me!!! Must... know... now.</p>

<p>I know. I'm going crazy.</p>

<p>hmmm does the "top applicant" email from SD engineering (Jacobs) mean nothing? because my point value doesnt seem very high</p>

<p>4000 GPA
+3016 test scores
+500 >40 classes
+300 volunteering = 7816 pts.</p>

<p>so the rigor of your high school doesn't matter at all?
so someone who goes to a very non-competitive, easy public school and gets straight A's, according to UCSD, should be accepted over someone who gets mostly A's and B's at a very competitive, difficult public school? Assuming all other stats are the same.</p>

<p>yup ^^^ unfair but that's how it works</p>

<p>nooob - the only uplifts in the scenario you painted are: 1) if that non0-competitive easy school is in the bottom 40% of the rankings for schools, you get an uplift, and 2) if you are in the top 4% in that easy school you get the ELC points. Otherwise, no connection to school rigor.</p>

<p>It is what it is, nooob.</p>

<p>hahah, i see, thanks.</p>

<p>can someone explain/define a an A-G UC eligible course?
At my school we mostly have year courses, but do those count as two semesters?
Are freshman classes counted even if the grades aren't seen by admissions?
do senior classes count as well?</p>

<p>^ senior courses count, and freshman classes also, but i thought you had to enter your grades in for freshmen classes, unless you mean middle school classes which also count ( language and algebra up)
and the year long courses count as 2 semesters</p>

<p>A-G UC eligible courses are the courses that the UC recognizes in its system. These courses are the ones you reported on your UC application. If, for example, you took Algebra 2 your sophomore year, it would count as 2 courses because each semester is a new course. Classes such as P.E or Intro to Art or a Health class requirement would not count for A-G. Freshman - Senior year courses of A-G are added up, including 7th/8th grade if you've reported that you took a language/Algebra 1/Geometry/etc class in those years.</p>

<p>damn, i didn't report algebra 1 which i took in 8th grade or my language classes in middle school either! sry, godbreath, i meant middle school grades not freshman :P. Anyways, with senior grades i think make 40, which i think/hope gives me full points.</p>

<p>If i wrote about growing up with my sister who has autism and the responsibilities I had to take on would that be counted as a situation that could grant me some points (hopefully half?) on the last section (half would be 250 i think?)</p>

<p>What are the estimated cutoffs for this year's freshman class? Cutoffs for impacted majors?</p>

<p>For the question regarding your sister, I have no idea, honestly. I wrote about how my mother attempted suicide and I don't even know if that'll get me 250 points. I think it really depends on the reader and how conservative they will be when assigning points. </p>

<p>Last year's estimated was 7576, so this year will increase somewhat due to increase of applications and quality of applicants. I talked to rider730 about this, and it's possible that the points shouldn't increase beyond 200 extra points.</p>

<p>For impacted majors, I assume it'll be slightly higher. Same goes for OOS applicants.</p>

<p>I would think that the cutoff would be around 7650...maybe 7690 at the most. I mean, it went up from 7,465 in 2004 to 7,576 in 2008 (these being the two numbers that we have confirmed as the exact cutoffs). With that at about a 28 point increase per year, a jump of about 75 points seems like it would fit this year's circumstances. Just my opinion.</p>

<p>Sounds reasonable, mizunopro. :)</p>

<p>Except that it was more than 100 points up last year over the year before according to reports from students in those two years who were rejected and learned the point cutoff from admissions. The cutoff jumped up due to high applications last year and may jump up again.</p>