Estimate your admissions decision from UCSD

<p>According to <a href=""&gt;;/a> , less applicants this year for undergraduate admissions than last year. However, I don't know how transfer admissions ties in with that.</p>

<p>Wow, that's crazy. That means that it didn't change for four years. This is so confusing! Haha, thanks for the info.</p>

<p>just to throw it out there, would close to 8000 pts be enough to get into ur 1st choice college and an impacted major?</p>

<p>Engineering major is higher than 7700?
I thought they admitted everyone and looked at major separately...</p>

<p>I think they admit you into UCSD based on whether you're above UCSD's desginated cutoff (the estimated 7700), but afterwards, the engineering school itself will look at you and decide if it wants you in engineering. So if you don't make the second cut, you'll be admitted into UCSD but not into the major.</p>

<p>Oh, got it. Well, I've calculated my total a couple of times and I'd say I'm between 7780-7840. Which is cutting it close...
I'm sweating in my seat.</p>

<p>lemon<em>lime</em>rush, assuming the cutoff this year doesn't reach over 200 points, even with all the economic issues we have, I'd say you have a "likely" chance. =)</p>

<p>how much above the cutoff would be relatively safe for an impacted bio major, and same thing for 1st-choice college?</p>

<p>Your first choice college doesn't matter in admissions. For biology majors, they take in only about 700 of the students who apply for Biology, according to the UCSD website. The cutoff would probably be 150-250 points more, I'm guessing.</p>

<p>If I have about 7814-7824 pts. and applied for Econ major, is it possible for me to make the cutoff?</p>

<p>Btw, Econ's not an impacted major at UCSD, right?</p>

<p>Econ is not an impacted major. </p>

<p>I'd say you'd make the cutoff. =] March 15th (most likely) we'll find out.</p>

<p>so if u make the regular 7700 cutoff, u'll most likely get into ur 1st-choice college?</p>

<p>Yup, that's right. =) Or your second-choice.</p>

<p>Alright, thanks rameezkhan. I can sweat a little less now. :)</p>

<p>I have about 7890 points but applied for impacted Bio. High enough to make (cheaper, earlier) plane reservations for Admit Day on April 4? How important is Admit Day anyway? Kind of tough if we don't know accept/reject until late in the month!</p>

<p>OMG i just read this. is the points system dead ? :O

Many colleges and universities in California and around the country report unprecedented uncertainty about how the depressed economy and state budget cuts could affect fall enrollments. As a result, they say they cannot rely this year on the admission formulas that typically help them hit enrollment targets without overcrowding dorms.


here is the full article:
Colleges</a> share applicants' anxiety - Los Angeles Times</p>

<p>im so nervous rit now.... only 8 more days lol good luck everyone!</p>

<p>man, this is not a good week for a calc test >_< it is going to be so hard to concentrate. GL to all</p>

<p>I doubt the point system is "dead" avbotz, because if it was, UCSD would've taken off the Comprehensive Review stuff off their website.</p>

<p>The formulas in question are the yeilds - of every 100 applicants given a yes, the number who will submit a SIR and attend. Based on that, if there are 5,000 spots on campus they will give a yes to many more than 5,000 students planning on having a similar yeild to prior years. With the economy as it is and the increased numbers of people who might have previously have selected private colleges but are now possibly unable to pay more than in-state UC rates, the percentage of admits that enroll may be higher than in the past. </p>

<p>If UCSD decides that they will issue fewer yes decisions, then the cutoff would go up to produce that number, compared to a lower cutoff that generates a higher admit volume. The formula stays the same, but the calculated cutoff might jump up a bit. Also, they are likely to tamper with the uplift between in-state and OOS, since the OOS students generate more revenue for the cash-strapped system; perhaps reducing or eliminating the different in cutoff values.</p>

<p>We shall all know in just a few weeks.</p>

<p>I don't know if this has any utmost importance, but on the MyApplication website, they took off the 'welcome' greeting and left it blank. lol. Maybe I'm just being a tad excited that this is the first change they've made in weeks. haha.</p>