Estimate your admissions decision from UCSD

<p>Aww man. :/ It changed again. haha. my ounce of hope has drifted.</p>


<p>All that means is that most colleges will be conservative in their estimation of yield. In essence, schools on a point system will draw a higher line, i.e., raise the bar (# of points required for admission).</p>

<p>Overall, I'd say 7700+ points will be good enough for non-impacted majors. :)</p>

<p>i dont think this point system is the only way they accept you because what if 1. you dont have a poor income, 2. you dont go to a bad highschool 3. and you didnt have someone die in your family. it's a comprehensive review or else you would need close to a 4.2 UC gpa and 2400 to qualify</p>

<p>Not necessarily. While those make up a portion of the total points, there are still other ways a student can stand out. Like volunteer work, ELC, first generation, awards and honors, and 40+ A-G courses.</p>

<p>:) This IS the method.</p>

<p>Two questions!
First off, my mother passed away when I was young so we did not include her educationial status, however my father is only a highschool graduate: will I still get 300 points?
Second question, do I get any points for Mock Trial?</p>

<p>1) You will get 300 points.
2) No.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>You're welcome. =)</p>

<p>Would immigration to America at a young age be credited for "Special circumstances/ personal challenges?" Something tells me it doesn't.</p>

<p>No, it doesn't.</p>

<p>OoPurestOo: you kept on pestering me about how I was giving myself TOO many points and that you would give me nearly as many points blah blah blah....
Guess what...

<p>^ Congrats on the acceptance. And no no you weren't the only one I was pestering. If you look through the rejection thread you'll see alot of confused people and it doesn't really make sense.</p>

<p>The cutoffs for UCSD this year (excluding impacted stuff) was 7702 to be offered Winter admit and 7738 for a Fall admit offer.</p>

<p>@ rider: Did you call them and that's what they said? I got in as a winter admit and if that's true that means that 36 points separated me from going to SD in September instead of January. Basically one grade point would have changed that</p>

<p>masterhammy: I think that's just what they did for the winter admits. If you were really close in terms of points, they put you as a winter admit instead of a fall one.</p>

<p>Here is where it was posted by people who called UCSD admissions today</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Sorry to bump this back up, but I have a question because I'm gonna try to call to appeal, but I want my numbers calculated first.</p>

<p>How do you know how many A-G courses you have? I mean it says over 40, but I don't know what that means</p>

<p>You first look through every class you have taken and will take in grades 9-12. Figure out which ones are accepted by Cal as in the categories A through G. Ignore all the other classes you may have taken.</p>

<p>Count the number from the first step above.</p>

<p>If your total is 33 to 39, you earned 250 points.</p>

<p>If your total is 40 or higher, you earned 500 points toward your UCSD admissions score. </p>

<p>Be careful and check that each class is indeed accepted as an a-g credited class. That might be the genesis of any difference between your count and UCSDs. They have programmed in the class names from the in-state schools, but you may have selected wrong or they may not have recognized a subtle change in name, thus failing to count one or more classes as belonging to the proper category.</p>

<p>I was wondering whether you could tell me a couple of things... First can u guess the cut off for 2010 applicants... </p>

<p>Also if I was Team Leader for A group of volunteers (50) can you tell me whether that would be worth 150 or 300 points... </p>

<p>Also If I have a blackbelt and win third in a competition (citywide) for karate then do I get the full 300?</p>