Estimated Fraternity Costs and Greek Experience at UA

<p>I know costs can vary for each fraternity, but was hoping that some of you who have sons in UA fraternities can shed some light on costs. I found an older thread (from 2011 I believe) that has some info, but many of the replies were not clear if the costs quoted were for a semester or a full year and if they included housing costs or just meal costs. I know it is not cheap, but neither is honors housing ($4,400 per semester plus $1,600 for meals). If possible would appreciate breakdown of initial membership fees, ongoing membership fees, housing and meals (specify semester or year). Also if you can provide any feedback on your sons experience and if he had to do it over again would he still go greek. I know there have been some negative stories in the press recently and I believe a student was found dead in his frat house (Theta Chi)
this week but also know that these stories can be biased and there are many advantages to greek life as well. My son will be an incoming Presidential scholarship / HC student next fall but is also very social so a fraternity is open for consideration but want to also consider the costs and focus on academics as a priority. Thanks in advance UA CC community!</p>

<p>My son is a member of a top new row fraternity. The cost for a new member for the first semester is about $4000 and about $3500 for the subsequent semesters. The cost is about $6800 a semester for living in the house which, most likely, would not be until junior year. These prices include meals.</p>

<p>My son is a junior. He has loved his fraternity experience and would most definitely do it again.</p>

<p>I don’t know what is being said about the young man who passed away at the Theta Chi house but I can assure you it was not due to any wrongdoing on the fraternity’s part. The young man took his own life. </p>

<p>Are you typically required to have a meal plan if you live in a dorm? It appears if you live in the house, costs are not much more than a dorm / meal plan but if you live in a dorm you could be looking at 2 - 3k incremental costs per semester. Any other feedback on your experience with costs? Is what crimsondude posted typical or low / high based on your situation? Thanks!</p>

<p>Information on meal plan options for those involved in the Greek system can be found here
<a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>My son’s fraternity costs ran about $800 a semester when he attended UA (he graduated in 2013). That said, at that time, his fraternity did not have a house. It does now. But his fraternity also offers incentives to recoup some of the semester costs – money returned for a 4.0 GPA in a semester, leadership positions on campus, volunteer hours, etc. Each semester, he got about $200 returned because he did so many things.</p>

<p>I should add that my son would definitely go Greek again. He loved his time with his fraternity, made some lifelong friends and traveled all over. He also encouraged his kid brother, who is at UAH, to go Greek, which he has done.</p>

<p>@momreads‌ Which House was your son in?</p>

<p>M2CK: My son is a former president of Sig Ep. They just got a house on campus this semester.</p>

<p>In doing a little research on the GPAs from last year, Sig Ep was one of a 3-4 that really stood out as one that seems to stress academics as well as the social aspects. @momreads, I know they didn’t have a house when your son was there so I assume the $800 per semester was for dues / fees. @crimsondude quoted fees of $3,500 per semester (which did not include living in the house) so if you assume that included a meal plan (estimating at $1,500 - $2,000 per semester), then dues / fees would also be ~ $1,500 - $2,000 per semester. Do dues / fees really vary that much between fraternities or I am I missing something in my calculations? Thanks!</p>

<p>Fees do vary between fraternities and may not include all costs. IIRC, social events such as formals are not included in the advertised costs. </p>

<p>ProudPapaBear: Sig Ep really does stress its academics, or at least when my son was there, they did. They usually have several STEM majors as brothers. Just to give you an idea of what happens to some of those Sig Eps following graduation, my son is on full scholarship at UVA Law. Another past president is at GM Law. My son’s former roommate works for the British Embassy. Another brother is attending law school in Texas. Another is working as an engineer in Kansas City. The most recent past president actually works for the national office of Sig Ep. So academics have been very important. As for the cost of the house, I really am not sure what it is. You can contact the Alabama chapter for details.</p>