Greek Life Costs

<p>Can anyone tell me if there are payment plan options for sorority life at UA?</p>

<p>There are payment plans. Not sure of the specifics but I know they are available. Hopefully somebody else will chime in! :)</p>

<p>Are the payment plans like “monthly dues” or something else?</p>

<p>Well I know that the cost is around 4500 a semester, but someone mentioned there might be a payment plan option so you don’t have to pay the full amount up front. </p>

<p>my DD lives in the house. we set up a payment plan just so we don’t have to pay such large chunks at one time. in our case, you can do 8 payments or 10 payments.</p>

<p>What is the website that offers the payment plan?</p>

<p>Each sorority handles their payments differently. Several use a company called Greek Resources. In our case we are billed at the beginning or each semester. Our DD lives in the house and our bill is close to $7500 per semester. Of that amount appx 4000 is food and lodging. We are also asked to deposit $300 a semester in to what is called a Purchase fund account for t-shirts, zaps and incidentals. We have chosen to pay 3 times a semester (deferred payments) and there is an added fee for this.</p>

<p>The fraternity that my freshman son is in uses Greek Resources and it was 4100 1st semester and 3755 2nd semester- there is a payment plan </p>

It was that much just for the fraternity? Since he is a freshman he also paid room & board? I’m new to all of this so forgive me for bring naive .</p>


<p>“Board” (meal plan) charges are greatly reduced if a student pledges because they have to eat many meals at their houses. so, those frosh do not have the all you can eat plan. They have an inexpensive Greek plan.</p>

<p>yes -pay room and board also- We are using the Greek 55 meal plan which is $466 a semester-they transfer it to your student once they pledge…</p>

<p>Old row or New Row? Just curious!</p>

<p>Better to ask if it’s one of the brand-new houses or one of the older ones. Of course, all of them are either being replaced or gutted and enlarged.</p>

<p>Greek Resources handles the billings for my son’s fraternity. I assume they do for all of the houses but not sure. The payment plan is handled through the Greek Resources website…I think they charge a one time $50 fee per semester if you elect the payment plan option. They break the semester charges in to 3 payments. The fall semester charges were due 1/15, 2/15 and 3/15. There may be other arrangementts that can be made but you would need to talk directly with the either the house Treasurer or the Greek Resource people directly. </p>

<p>There are two accounts associated with the fraternity and I assume the sororities as well… </p>

<p>The House Account - Room, Board and Fees</p>

<p>The Activity Account - They like you to keep a balance of $100 in this account. This is for things like Tee shirts, event photos, fraternity accessories, etc…we had to hit the brakes a little on this one as our son had accumulated enough tee shirts to open a boutique…you need to keep an eye on this account because there is a tee shirt for literally every event and there are sometimes two events per week…multiply that times what is now the sixth semester for tee shirt boy and you have yourself a tee shirt bonanza…!It is common for the guys to not only buy a shirt for themselves but for their date for the event…anyone care to guess on the 6 semester total ? Winner gets a tee shirt…</p>

<p>LOL! Yes, please inform your students that there is no need to get a shirt for EVERY event!</p>

<p>Old Row</p>

<p>Thanks for all of your help!</p>