Estimating college's financial aid for returning students???

<p>Has anyone else wondered what surprises there will be with next year's financial aid awards for returning students? My DD's school said months ago the amount should stay about the same for all 4 years as long as there were no major changes in income but i'm finding that hard to believe with how the economy has crashed and endowments have decreased. The need for financial aid has definately increased for all students. Returning student's awards don't arrive until July which will be far to late to make any major changes. How are others dealing with the unknown??</p>

<p>crossing fingers??? </p>

<p>I guess my son will be taking out the 5500 stafford loan (was 4500 for this his sophomore year) and hopefully he will still get Perkins loan and a large work study. Since I’m sure the COA will go up by more than the $1000 increase in stafford loan, I guess I’ll be paying more than my EFC (again)</p>

<p>Our fun is compounded by the fact that the housing at his school has many price points and you have to ‘pick’ your room thru a website. You get a ‘lottery number’ and hope a room you want and can afford is available. </p>

<p>Bottom line, even if his aid stays the same (he has a large scholarship) and takes out larger stafford loan, figuring in tuition and housing increase will mean it costs me more than this year. </p>

<p>So much fun!</p>