ETC Camp

<p>Has anyone attended, or had a child that attended, the ETC (Engineering Tomorrow's Careers) Camp at the University of Wisconsin? My daughter is going to be attending this camp in June. It is a camp specifically designed for high school women entering their Junior and Senior years that want to major in engineering in college. Just looking for any comments or feedback on this particular camp. Thanks!</p>

<p>My daughter (Summer 2010) and my niece (Summer 2007) both attended the Engineering Tomorrow’s Careers camp at UW Madison and both enjoyed it.</p>

<p>My niece is majoring in Mechanical Engineering and French (U MN Twin Cities) and my daughter decided she preferred science over engineering (Pre-Pharmacy and Spanish). </p>

<p>I think it is a nice introduction to the Campus, the Lakeshore Dorms and of course the various engineering majors available at UW-Madison.</p>

<p>Thanks for the information, Madison85! I think the experience of living in the dorms during the camp will be wonderful for her! My daughter is trying to decide between majoring in biomedical engineering or biology. Right now she is leaning towards biomedical engineering, so I hope this camp helps her in making her decision. The timing is perfect since she will be applying to colleges in the Fall. She is also going to a 10 day medical conference in July, so between the engineering camp and the medical conference, I hope it gives her helpful insight into what major she will choose when applying.</p>

<p>How does your niece like going to the University of Minnesota? We just took our daughter on a campus visit there over Spring break last week. We all enjoyed the visit!</p>