Ethnicity on app? Not sure which


<p>So my dad is white. But, on my mom's side of the family, her dad and his whole family is black. So on my applications, it says to check "any of the racial categories you describe to yourself".. </p>

<p>SO could I put down both black and white because alot of my family is of mixed race. Or should I only put down white since both of my parents are technically white, even though my mom is biracial? Thanks!</p>

<p>So you’re 1/4 black, if I’m understanding right? If so, you’re definitely allowed to check black and white.</p>

<p>black and white, the “all that apply” part means all that apply. go for it.</p>

<p>However, if you don’t consider yourself black, it would be dishonest to put it down. You wouldn’t get in trouble or anything, since you aren’t technically lying, but it’s morally questionable.</p>