<p>How much consideration do you think NYU puts into an applicant's ethnicity? Do you think it really affects some of their decisions? Do you think chances are higher if you are a minority?</p>
<p>Probably some… but not a lot. While they want to be a diverse school (and believe me, they are…) they already get a lot of diversity. unless you are part of some rare native american tribe, I dont think it makes much of a difference.</p>
<p>Definitely. If you’re Black or Hispanic and your stats are within NYU’s range, I highly doubt that they’ll reject you because they want to boost their statistics. Asians on the other hand, because there’s such a large population of us at NYU, they’re much more scrutinized, especially when it comes to stats.</p>
<p>Unless you are in the HEOP program, I’m not sure ethnicity is a big deal. I agree with Bryann NYU is very diverse. Much more so than most schools. It is a criteria they have, but I’m sure just one little piece of the larger picture.</p>