Eugene and Ruth Roberts Summer Student Academy @ City of Hope

Is anyone else applying for the Summer 2022 Academy at City of Hope? I haven’t seen much people talking about it.

I am! Not expecting much cause of the 2100 applicants last year lmao. I do think my answers for the 4 main questions were pretty good, but anyone can have a good answer for something that small. The other 2 questions don’t really matter particularly imo.

I applied to two other summer programs just cause the acceptance rate for City Hope is so low.

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Ooh, what other summer programs are you applying for? It’s hard for me to find good Southern California programs mainly because although I do live in Socal, I can’t do residential programs or drive an hour everyday. City of Hope is the closest for me.

hey! sorry for the late reply the notifications are wack in cc lmao

i applied to 3 summer programs and 4 internships (im a sophomore so im very limited in what i can apply too)

the summer programs were:
welch summer scholars program
program in algorithmic thinking (pact)
and city of hope

4 different internships at nasa (not expecting much considering the whole application was kinda wack lmao)

hey! results apparently onlly got sent to those who made it… did you get in? i didnt ;(

What internships did you apply for at nasa? :slight_smile:

Did they say they’d only let the people who got in know their results? I didn’t get anything from them.

applied but am not expecting much tbh, since its pretty competitive. am also currently looking at online things, since so many opportunities are too far/too expensive

hey! applied to like 4 in total, don’t exactly remember their names lmao… And to answer your other question, they did say they’ll let everyone know their results. I emailed them 2 days ago and they said:

“We are still in the process of contacting candidates for the program. Please allow us another week or so to complete the process. We appreciate your patience.”

Meaning, offers are presented in ‘waves’, and not all at once. I also assume that everyone who doesn’t get in will be told after they present all the offers. And one more thing (im judging based off of someone who got accepted), this year they MAY have heavily favored ppl from california. Purely saying that based off of what i was told from someone in that area that got accepted.

Im from texas so rip lmao

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yea, it is EXTREMELY competitive. in terms of prestige, city of hope is prob the top biomedical research programs in the nation, and highly ranked in the world

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yeah, im just expecting a rejection. applied elsewhere as well

So far i havent gktten an offer and the end of the week is approaching. :pensive:

same, nothing yet. there’s a few more days tho

Do you guys wanna share the stats you put in ur apps?

On my app I talked about writing papers on oncogenesis growth and partial diff eqs along with creating multiple clubs for my school, and others stuff like math. I’m a sophomore, and come from a disadvantaged group. Idk, if they will look onto that question but those are the things that are major I guess.

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got rejected. good luck to the rest of u!


Hey guys! I am currently a sophomore in high school and I am applying to the City of Hope program this year, and I have previous research experience. Does anyone who applied/got in before have any advice on the application? Thanks :slight_smile:

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Anyone else accepted in the 2023 program? If so, what are you guys planning to do for lodging? (If you live far from City of Hope)

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Hello, I got accepted, and I’m from out of state. Rn renting a room seems like the most feasible thing to do, but it’s still in the works. My discord is ryan12#6445. Thanks!