
<p>lilybel, are you from french speaking belgium or dutch speaking belgium?
(I'm from the netherlands;))<br>
au revoir/ doei!</p>

<p>Dutch/Flemish speaking Belgium. I actually live near Eindhoven! Nice to see you here!</p>

<p>Scotland over here.</p>

<p>England over here. Living in London</p>

<p>I'm in London too</p>

<p>nick r u really kazakh?</p>

<p>lol no altho that would be a hook i guess. im french. yeah, i know, that reduces my chances (of getting accepted to a us college) by about 99% lol. anyway my comments about kazakhstan were referring to a UK tv show which is called Borat and is made by the creator of Ali G.</p>

<p>I'm French too!</p>

<p>(but I'm living in the States. Yuck).</p>

<p>y yuck??????????</p>

<p>hey wolfstarslasher! i'm also french. from strasbourg. yeah why yuck??? Please don't tell me you've joined the pathetic (though widespread) anti-american outburst</p>

<p>I'm from Bulgaria , anybody else from Eastern Europe ????</p>

<p>Just look on the forums, Bulgarians, Romanians, Croatians and Serbians are everywhere, but other countries are much less represented - I have yet to meet a Hungarian or Czech on these boards.</p>

<p>bogororo do you know anybody from serbia except for me?</p>

<p>lilybel -- I lived in Brussels for 4 years, but I went to a French-speaking school. I'm from Sweden originally, but I live in the US. I've also lived in Moscow.</p>

<p>Studied in a French school then US for HS (IB)</p>

<p>hmm came to usa 2 years ago from Poland - does it count?:P</p>

<p>axfr: I have lived in the US (Chicago and Columbus) for most of my life, though I am French and have also lived in Paris, Normandy and Singapore. And it is because I have lived in those places that I am not content in the U.S.</p>

<p>I do not dislike America the place, it is just that there are other places I would rather live. Under the current administration, living where I do has become almost unbearable--I get yelled at all the time for being French, as if my nationality and heritage have made me into a monster!</p>

<p>So no, I am not anti-American, my maternal grandmere is a good, American woman and living in the States has definite advantages. But with what I want to study (int'l relations/law) and with the current political climate, I want to get out! But I am restless, I am a traveler, I would love to spend every 2 years in a different country.</p>

<p>I hope you understand a little better now, I did not mean to offend anyone.</p>

<p>axfr, I'm French. Where did you apply?</p>

<p>Oh I'm sorry for u!!!!
Is it that bad to be French right now in the States?
I'm Italian so I shouldn't have any problem at least I believe so.
Are Americans becoming anti-French?</p>

<p>Oh and, wolfstarslasher, how is Columbus and living over there? Do u mean Columbus in OH? Next year I'm gonna attend a college one hour from Columbus so I'm really interested into this</p>