
<p>yeahmeh: Yeah I live in Columbus, Ohio. I looked at your old posts, so I'm guessing you're talking about Kenyon. That's actually 1.5-2 hours from Columbus, so whatever they told you, they're lying ;).</p>

<p>If you've visited Kenyon then you know that it is surrounded by some very pretty farmland--at least that's what you see when you drive from there to Columbus. If you went to Kenyon though, you'd be pretty isolated, so I'm guessing you'd want to go to Columbus for shopping? It's a pretty good city (15th largest in the U.S., I think) and the downtown area has been revamped, they're trying to make it more attractive. It's relatively clean and a good place to find some fun, I think you'll like it :). Though it doesn't hold a candle to any European or good Asian city. </p>

<p>As for being French...yes, people are very anti-French, at least the Conservatives, and I have been yelled at by them. But a lot of people are very nice too. It's just that bad 5% that make it awful.</p>

<p>Yes, I'm gonna attend Kenyon next year. I had probably exgerated when i said 1 hour. It's not that far anyway. I'm glad it's a nice city. Do u know something about Kenyon? I herad it's a really good college and I'm pretty happy about going there!</p>

<p>What do u do in Columbus?</p>

<p>Hm, I personally didn't like Kenyon very much, so I can't say a lot about it. But I do know people who go there and love it.</p>

<p>It's really pretty, lots of old buildings
The campus is really small, they don't even have a stoplight
They're famous for the Kenyon Review
They have pretty small classes, and the classrooms are nice. I saw a science room and a religion/philosophy room, and they were both pretty cool
They have ghosts. Supposedly some building(s) is haunted.</p>

<p>The best part of Columbus is the Short North, no doubt about it! There are great restaurants, gallery hop (art) and theater. Also various festivals (oktoberfest, Greek Festival, St. P day parade, gay pride) take place there. </p>

<p>Columbus also has lots of sports if you're into that: Bluejackets (hockey) OSU Buckeye football, and Columbus Crew, the soccer team. There's an opera, theater company, a symphony, ballet...all the stuff you find in any city.</p>

<p>Though unless you have a car my guess is that you won't be going into Columbus all that often. There are probably other smaller cities that are closer to Kenyon, but I have no idea what they are, sorry!</p>

<p>I'm from England!</p>

<p>What didn't u like about Kenyon? Is it the fact it is in the middle of nwhere or is there something more?</p>

<p>The school in general just didn't appeal to me. It was small, yes, but there was no emphasis on certain things (like music) that I couldn't survive without.</p>

<p>However, if you're interested in English or theater, Kenyon is an excellent place to go.</p>

<p>wolfstarslasher: of course i understand you! it must be a real pain living in your situation... when i tell people in France that I want to study in the US, the typical answer is: "why do you wanna go that stupid country for?" I find it so sick that people are ready to insult an entire country just because of their inept administration...</p>

<p>This is shameful, the Europe thread was on the second page!</p>

<p>Bump ^^</p>

<p>Where are u gonna go to college next year? Where do u go to college if u are already enrolled?</p>

<p>Then, why did u decide to study abroad?</p>

<p>Next year I am going to attende Kenyon college and I wanna study in the States because there is so much more possibility to do stuff in the science field.</p>

<p>I'm Italian but currently living in Paris..</p>

<p>Tango where r u from Italy and what do u do in Paris?</p>


<p>From Bologna. I've come to Paris to study French at La Sorbonne and have currently applied to a Master in International Relations at the Columbia University.
I don't think I have great chances... :-)</p>

<p>Is Italy going to recognize these schools? Why did u decide to go study abroad? And do u plan to work in Italy?</p>


<p>of course it is. I spent most of my adult life travelling and had another study experience in the USA when I was an undergraduate student (with a exchange program). Same for Paris... this is not my first time here, but I thought it was better to take some time now to improve my french than regret later :-)
I have no plan about the country where I will be spending most of my future life. I just guess I will continue to travel around, depending on where my career will lead me. Not likely to come back to Italy very soon...</p>

<p>Tell me if I can help you in any way.. if there's something you would like to know... are you an high school student?</p>

<p>I am also Italian and i am going to attend Kenyon college next year as molecular biology major.
I know they ain't gonna recognize this in Italy cause they don't recognize undergraduate majors so that's why i asked u that question.</p>

<p>I was just curious why u decided to go abroad cause i'm doing the same.</p>

<p>Where did u guys from Europe get admitted?</p>

<p>Me, so far admitted at Amherst, Oberlin and Vassar.
Rejected by Middlebury
Waitlisted by Colby and Carleton</p>


<p>Austria. Anyone else?</p>