<p>So I've been frantically trying to get information about admitted students' weekend. Even though my daughter has been on a tour...NYU is a BOATLOAD of money, and I want her to look one more time for a more firm decision (that is...if we ever get her financial aid offer). We have to book flights to go to admitted students weekend, and it's so close that prices are sky high. Yet I couldn't find a weekend schedule anywhere. I resist calling the University for things like this...but, I'm pretty desperate. So I called, and got lots of info. I'm posting it in case it helps anyone else.</p>
<p>Friday 4/9 IS for CAS students only. Two sessions offered (morn or afternoon). BUT..they are the SAME sessions that are offered on Saturday or Sunday. So a CAS student need NOT miss school on Friday the 9th (as I'd anticipated), PLUS attend Sat/Sun sessions. Sounds like it's a chance to get a chunk of kids through the system...since CAS is so big.</p>
<p>Sat and Sun 4/10-11 is for ALL students...CAS and/or all other schools. The weekend is split into quarters. Each morning and each afternoon. 4 total sessions. So CAS students have 6 total sessions to choose from (Fri, Sat, Sun), other students have these 4 (Sat, Sun). You need attend only ONE of these sessions.</p>
<p>They will provide a bit more info than did the normal tour (if you took that). One example is that only Goddard was open to view during the tour, but 4 dorms will be open this weekend. </p>
<p>The info will be geared more toward things like housing, dining halls, and clubs...than admissions which were detailed in the general tour. There should be students all over to answer questions. </p>
<p>You will not get the invitation with your packet, you will get it later (geesh..how much later..the weekend is practically upon us!). I assume RSVPs are in order...I hope they have room for whatever session we decide on when choosing our flights! </p>
<p>Hopefully this helps some who were trying to understand/make plans. I know some of you might even be trying to get to more than one admitted students event that weekend..and I was worried this one was going to take ALL weekend.</p>
<p>Thank you so much for the info!
Two questions, that means that there are not overnight stays for the weekend and are the sessions during the weekend school specific or do they mesh everyone from NYU together?</p>
<p>Stern admitted students events are ONLY on Sunday April 11th. 2 sessions, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. We do not have more than that for our school.</p>
<p>Edit: And yes, that means no overnight stays for the weekend. There are school specific events.</p>
<p>The person I spoke to (though she was … um … having a VERY difficult time articulating things) said that all sessions were the same, except the CAS on Friday. But maybe that’s because she was gearing the conversation to me, as a CAS parent. This aggrevates me that now sansrii88 is saying that Stern is SUnday only and that there ARE school specific events. The person I spoke to said this is NOT the case, and that you only needed to be there for that one section of the weekend. Why in the WORLD won’t they tell us everything about this (put it online, something). I JUST spent half the morning finding and booking a flight…now it might not be right!?</p>
<p>The only reason I know stern has its own thing is because I’m an ambassador at Stern and we only need to work at Stern on the sunday. CAS may have sessions all weekend but for us its only 2.</p>
<p>Because I booked nonrefundable tickets, I called to clarify AGAIN (sure seems like an e-mail would be good…we would hear the “real”/printed word for quite some time!). The e-mail of “make travel plans for April 9-11” just doesn’t do ANY good to decide when to get kids out of school, book travel etc. I guess they assume only nearby kids will attend.</p>
<p>Anyway…yes, for CAS students…you have options ANY of the 3 days, you will NOT miss anything if you do not attend all three days. It’s NOT a long/2-3 day event…just a 1/2 day session.</p>
<p>Other schools, because they’re smaller, DO have perhaps one day over the other (Sunday versus Saturday, or vice versa…I don’t think ANY other school offers Friday). So…if you’re making plans…find out what day your school has events. The student ambassadors are very courteous, and want to be helpful, but they aren’t looking at it from the same perspective so sometimes it’s hard to be on the same page. But they WILL answer your questions about this, so give 'em a call if you need to. The phones are being answered very quickly.</p>
<p>Yeah I got accepted early decision, and have gotten NOTHING about this… Lol.</p>
<p>Ok thanks for the info sansri88. Can’t wait to visit on the 11th!</p>
<p>Thanks for the info!!! I live in NY and am visiting another school on the 10-12 and have a student government fundraiser on Friday afternoon, so looks like I’ll be trekking across to NYU for their CAS thing in the morning then back to school. Super busy but looking forward to it.
I’m not even sure if I’m considering NYU anymore but I might as well attend the CAs thing since I live here and all.</p>
<p>Rissa…you can go on Saturday or Sunday. CAS has 6 session options. Friday is ONLY for CAS… but CAS is not ONLY on Friday.</p>
<p>I know but I’m visiting Union College (upstate NY) for the weekend. I haven’t received information about the bus yet so maybe I can squeeze in NYU before the bus leaves so I won’t have to be frantic on Friday…</p>
<p>How about Tisch? Anyone know which day and time their session is?</p>
<p>Any info on shuttles/if they’ll pay for part of the plane ticket?
How frustrating they give us this info at the VERY last minute. Definitely a put off. I’ll be calling tmrw as well.</p>
<p>I’m so amazed at NYU’s utter disorganization! Vague information in travel plans emails, then acceptance emails with no further details on admissions events… </p>
<p>How hard would it be for them to post this information on their website? </p>
<p>The difference between this and the other large university my son is considering is nothing shy of astonishing.</p>
<p>This is the first year NYU has done the e-mail thing. Obviously, it’s really not fair to this year’s incoming class. Everything is really disorganized, but there IS a reason that everything is so messed up. </p>
<p>Last year when everything was through the mail, all this information came at once. </p>
<p>I suspect next year will run much smoother.</p>
<p>But missamericanpie, last year at this time (it’s March 30!!)… hadn’t select accepted students already received admissions event info in their invite postcards? It’s not a problem to wait for the official acceptance if you know it’s coming. Its a huge problem not to know the details of events you might want to go (that you’re invited to!) when they’re less than two weeks away. If they were going to switch from postcards to emails for “select” admits, I don’t see why they had to leave out the details!</p>
<p>I don’t know either. I’m not an Ambassador, I’m a Welcome Week leader. I think the events were later in April than they are this year, because most of the snail mail acceptances came in around April 1st.</p>