<p>How many credits are you taking in UROP umar? 4? Chem is 3, eng is 4, and math is 4? That's like 12 hours of research a week no? (6 if you get lab)</p>
<p>edit: forgot 1 credit from UROP is from the Wednesday seminar.</p>
<p>ENGR 100. Engineering in the Real World (206)
RELIGION 201. Eastern Religion (006)
PHYSICS 141. Elementary Laboratory I (014)
PHYSICS 140. General Physics I (007)
MATH 215. Calculus III (054)</p>
<p>Great Books 191 (4)
Econ 101 (micro) (4)
Math 185. Honors Calc 1. (4)
French 232. (4)
Honors 135.006(this thing about spain) (1)
Econ 108(honors discussion about the wall street journal) (1)
plus UROP for work study (im going to do it w/o any credit)</p>
<p>lol umardarr. Can you tell me if this is suicide? I just got back from orientation today, so I probably didn't get all the classes I wanted to take.</p>
<p>Great Books 191 (4)
Econ 101 (4)
Econ 108 (1): Not the WSJ one, but some community one because WSJ was full; still waiting for approval
Stats 350 (4)
Math 116 (4)
Possibly UROP for work-study, but waitlisted</p>
<p>16/17 credits, depends on Econ 108</p>
<p>dancestar, did you get the approval from the professor for the WSJ? When I asked about Econ 108 through e-mail, she said she starts approving after orientation ends. Does that mean I had a chance of getting the WSJ? The reason I asked to take the other one is that the peer advisors said I had no chance of getting it since so many people wanted to take it. But then it turns out that she starts approving AFTER orientation, which means maybe I had a chance if it wasn't rolling basis. So, did you get approved, or are you waiting? (It's still in my backpack.) Actually, anyone is allowed to clarify for me, but I prefer dancestar.</p>
<p>If you do UROP, it seems like suicide to me lol. Otherwise cool schedule. I hope my opinion has no affect on people's course selection, haha. Do what you feel is right for you.</p>
<p>CHEM 210. Structure and Reactivity I (4)
CHEM 211. Lab (1)
ENGR 101. Intro to Comp. and Programming (4)
MATH 215/285?. Calc III/H. Calc III? (4)
PHIL 232. Problems of Philosophy (4)</p>