
<p>Ok, so what is everyone most nervous/excited about for attending Madison this fall?</p>

<p>Most excited about:</p>

<p>The Classes and Education
The Campus,
The City,
Meeting New People,
Badger Athletics (can't wait ^_^),
Cheap Golf at University Ridge,

<p>Most Nervous:</p>

<p>Getting a bad Dorm/roommate/ having to put up with community bathrooms :(</p>

<p>what he said ^</p>

<p>VERY nervous about the size and meeting people like me. :/</p>

<p>I really don't want a pot head roommate. Or an alcoholic. This has been bothering me a lot but I'm not a drinker, nor do I ever plan to be, so what will the consequences be lol?</p>

<p>I wouldn't worry too much about that Shanku, just be cool with whatever he does and don't try it. If they ask just say nah I'm not into that and you shouldn't have any problems.</p>

<p>If you do there are always RAs who you can tell and they can take care of problems if you guys can't work it out ;)</p>

<p>I COMPLETELY agree with the whole not wanting a pot smoker for a roomate.. i could handle just about anything but the whole drug scene. As for a drinker.. i could handle it as long as it's not in excess.. and hopefully we'll all find amazing people just like us!</p>

<p>Damn, Im the same as you guys! Dont really drink, so the whole "beer state" and "#1 beer thing" bothers me from time to time. Glad to see people like me out there!</p>

<p>The drinking age is 21. No smoking (of anything) allowed in the dorms (or in or close to any campus building- ie not barely outside the doors- you don't have to go through a smoke tunnel to enter). Back in the early 70's it was 18 for beer, but still there were plenty of people like me who didn't like it... This is not HS with the peer pressure, just ignore those that need to indulge in the illegal substances. You will find plenty of people like you- some don't even drink coffee! BTW- at UW they have housefellows instead of RA's; every dorm is divided into "houses", which may be a floor, 2 floors, or in Kronshage, a whole building, it all depends on the numbers of students in a logical area.</p>

<p>I don't drink or smoke either, heh.</p>

<p>Really, I think as long as you don't try to force your roommate out of their bad habits and they don't effect you with what they're doing you ought to let them be. If they're going nuts all the time and wont leave you alone about trying it, then yeah, I can see getting upset.</p>

<p>I hope the Wisconsin kids who drink are the type that do it out of state culture and not because they think it's cool like my peers in STL do. Then I think they would be understanding. I used to live in WI but it was when I was very young so nobody drank and I couldn't tell.</p>

<p>One event that is great with NO drinking</p>

<p><a href="http://www.indiewire.com/ots/2007/04/festival_dispat_1.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.indiewire.com/ots/2007/04/festival_dispat_1.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Wow look at the 2 times for the posts above my last one lol.</p>

<p>I'm a Wisconsin native and not everyone drinks, underage drinking is no more or less the culture than anywhere else...</p>

<p>Wisconsin is the number 1 beer state statistically.
<a href="http://www.statemaster.com/graph/hea_alc_con_hea_dri-health-alcohol-consumption-heavy-drinkers%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.statemaster.com/graph/hea_alc_con_hea_dri-health-alcohol-consumption-heavy-drinkers&lt;/a>
That's for heavy drinkers but you can look at other categories (WI tops casual drinkers too) and Wisconsin tops most of them. That's what I meant by culture.</p>

<p>I've lived in 5 different states in the east coast and midwest including Wisconsin and from what I saw drinking was way more common with adults and kids in Wisco-- respectable doctors, average people, everyone. I dunno why, do you guys think it keeps you warm? haha</p>

<p>do you guys think it keeps you warm? <-- LOL</p>

<p>Now come to think about it ... I've not been to a beer-less Wisconsin alum gathering. In fact, Treasurer has great connection to the industry so we always walk away with at least a 6-pack ... ;) But there are us who prefer wine and our annual wine tasting trip always draws in some good crowd.</p>