Non-drinker/partier- reassure me!

<p>So, I know this question has been asked for, but I really need some more reassuring because it's the one thing really holding me back from thinking of Madison as the perfect school for me.</p>

<p>I know UW has been ranked as one of the top party schools and alcohol has a pretty big presence on campus, so I'm (probably stupidly) scared that because I'm not a drinking or party type I won't be able to fit it on campus porperly.</p>

<p>I'm not like morally against the things and can totally accept people wanting to do them, it's just a personal decision for myself.</p>

<p>I know it sounds ridiculous, and I realize UW is huggge, but I just wanted to hear everyone's opinions AND personal experiences again on someone like me and things they can do on campus.</p>

<p>Thanks much!</p>

<p>Go Badgers!</p>

<p>There are over 28,000 undergraduates. Chances are some of those will be similar to you. =)</p>

<p>UW dropped completely out of the party top 20 this year. There are as many coffee houses as bars (well almost ;-)</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I'm a conservative Muslim, and I feel very comfortable at UW. That should tell you everything, lol.</p>

<p>Don't worry- you don't have to do the bar scene- nice thing about a large campus is that there are plenty of different people to make it easy to find your niche. Most are underage so although there are those who drink and live in the dorms, it is not legal... I bet most undergrads are far less party types than you think. Go ahead and apply, and good luck. Just because others drink doesn't mean you need to, and who cares if you don't? This isn't HS with the peer pressure...</p>