<p>Hi, I really want to go to Phillips Exeter, and I just want to know my chances of getting in.</p>
I go to scarsdale high school, which is one of the best public ranked high school in the country. I get about A-B in all honors or advanced classes. I am a freshmen</p>
Math- 94
reading- 86
overall-94 idk
I'm taking it again b.c well it can't hurt</p>
<p>Extra curriculur
Taek wondo do- 10 years
Football- up for varsity next year 2 years
flute- 6 years
korean drums- 4 years
model UN
debate - 3 years
Archery-3 years
Zen/Dharma teacher- 2 years
Shotput- 2 years
Fluent and can read write in Korean</p>
<p>Awards and recognition
Taek won do- 3rd degree black, sparring and forms champoion in korea
Flute- wind ensomble
Korean drums- select team for Korea town
Zen-dharma- I am a legal teacher who can teach meditation and dharma and do so in a zen cneter in nyc nd nj
poetry- Got 3 poems published in a book</p>
I also went to their summer school program if that helps, and really connected with my iterviwer, I still talk to her</p>
<p>I'm also applying to andover, and have my interview soon</p>
<p>haha, your chances are super super super good. but i mean, idk… it’s really up to the admissions officers in the end…
just as long as your essays and stuff are good, i think you’ve got a really good chance</p>
<p>Both schools accept roughly 240 freshmen.
About 10% are Asian. Means there are only 48 Asian will be accepted.
Among total 6000 applicants (both A/E combined) Asian applications represent about 15%, roughly 900 Asian applicants.</p>
<p>If you do math, you are competing for 48/900 = 5.3%.
Among those who applied, I am sure many 99% SSAT and excellent EC, legacy, nationally recognized athletes, and state spelling bee champions as most of Asian applicants are overachievers. </p>
<p>I hope you’ll be the one of them who gets onf of the 48 seats. Good luck.</p>
<p>I don’t think that they actually have Asian quotas. If I am not mistaken, Bakke V. University of California (although I forgot which one) said that you could not use race as a significant admissions factor.</p>
<p>They don’t have race “quotas” but they look at race seriously. Being a URM from an inner city school will help you get in, even if that does not make you better academically, athletically, or ECwise. </p>
<p>I don’t know much about admissions but they also will not let all of a certain race dominate it is complex. No such thing as quotas, at least not that I know of.</p>
<p>Oh and it is wrong that all Asians are “overachievers”, yes we all have immigrant parents (a lot came in with dollar amounts which could be counted with two hands and adding a zero to that sum) who worked their @$$es of to get into college here, and even harder to get a job and sustain a family (that all pays off ). I don’t know if this is a fair comparison but remember we represent a smaller group of people in the nation who came here to study; the current adult generation of Asians will most likely have a lot higher % of individuals who have good degrees; that being said America has been here for 300 years and all “Americans” will have a lot more in absolute numbers going to college but due to the humongous difference in # of people. We rep. roughly 3.6% of the population; look at the top 3.6% of earners in America; those people are overachievers too… Right?</p>
<p>Sorry I just don’t like it when someone sees an Indian and immediately thinks we are computer smart, genius, overachievers because we are Brown… Not saying you are like that, just that it has become a problem in the last year or so…</p>
<p>:) Jyun you are in the running; that is all we can say in chancing threads.</p>
<p>thanks for the comment.
I meant was most of the Asian APPLICANTS to those top schools are “Academically” over achiever. Not financially.<br>
I agree with your comment that , certainly not all Asians are not financially over achieving and all Inidian students are super math and computer wiz!</p>
<p>Psh-- I never knew all this when I was applying. But, uh, as an Asian girl who went to Andover, I’d say that a bunch of Asian kids apply with similar credentials as you. What you need to do is simply show maturity (yeah, maturity is the big one) and enthusiasm in your interview. As long as you don’t appear to be a machine, you should be fine.</p>
<p>One Person here made that up. There used to be the “St Grottlesex” (that is even on Google) based on social prestige, but people have struggled with how to abbreviate the academically best, so he came up with Hades. None of there really work, since Groton students have better SAT’s and are not on that list, but who really cares, there are lots of great schools with significant differences depending on what you are looking for. Personally, I think there is a list with just ONE school (St. Paul’s), but if you go somewhere else, then that should be the only school on your list.</p>