<p>How hard is it to break into the JV or Varsity teams at Exeter? I've only won a few tournaments, and I plan on getting a lot better over the summer. I right now have an average of a 55 to 65 mph serve and 45-55 mph groundstrokes. This should get better though, as I'm working out a lot this summer.</p>
<p>haha, how good of a tennis player you are is determined by a lot more than the speed of your serve. i mean, maybe you can use it for comparison, but honestly, you should play USTA. i hope i dont sound arrogant by saying this; i’m not trying to be some omniscent bossy person. its just that in truth, USTA is probably one of the best ways to get matchplay experience, which is what any high school player is going to need.</p>
<p>I’m definitely playing some USTA tournaments this summer
I was supposed to last summer but was too busy.</p>
<p>If I was to stay in my current school, there was an excellent chance that I would break into varsity, and by 11th grade, I’d be guaranteed varsity.</p>
<p>There are JV, Varsity B, and Varsity A teams at Exeter for both boys and girls Tennis. There were a series if tryouts over the course of a few days. Several preps tried out for JV/ VB (boys). Most made the JV team, and one made the VB team. For at least one prep, I know tennis is not his main sport (not ranked, never played in a tournament), but is a relatively strong player with potential; for another prep tennis is his life. So, a reasonably diverse group.</p>
<p>i know a senior at exeter who used to live in my town, we played tennis together in this clinic locally. he says hes in club and he seems to like it although there are no tournaments and no inter scholastic competition. btw the boarding schools play a weird format where singles players have to play both singles and doubles.</p>
<p>There is really no comparison between USTA and high school tennis. Any good USTA player won’t play high school tennis. It’s just a waste of time. The matches aren’t tough enough. My 11 yo can beat most varsity high school players in the no. 1, 2, 3 singles position. As far as club, there is something called USTA team tennis, which is a good place to get match play.</p>