Experience at Colby

Can anyone who goes to Colby (or knows someone who does) tell me about your experience? What were your favorite/least favorite parts? What are the students like? I’m considering going there so any information is appreciated.

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@gardenstategal might have some input.

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This post includes brief comments on Colby in the context of comments on other liberal arts colleges: Struggling with D21’s List. ED & ED2: Amherst, Hamilton, Wellesley, Vassar - #7 by merc81 .


thank you!

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DS graduated in 2020. The school has a mix of student “types” - much more so than in did even in 2016, for example, when he started. I mention this because people whose experience with Colby isn’t recent may have outdated impressions.

Because of where it is, the outdoors is a big attraction. Lots of kids ski, hike, climb, etc and the school facilitates that. The gym complex is amazing. There are a lot of student performing groups, from a capella to bands. With a dorm in Waterville and shuttle service, kids do use the restaurants and bars in town. Kids seem game to try new things here, which suggests a supportive community. But to be sure, Colby is the community. While kids may go into Boston or Portland for an event on the weekend, colby is the core of where life happens for students.

Students work hard in the classroom and also play hard on weekends. There are lots of things going on so if partying isn’t your thing, there are options. Overall, kids seem quite social. Jan plan has fun and interesting options. It’s easy to study abroad and most students do. Students meet lots of different people through all sorts of activities, and that seems to be part of the appeal.

The professors are very engaged. DS had dinner at the homes of several and had great relationships even outside his major. Career services was awesome. Davis Connects and other internship programs abound.

DS really loved his time there, made great friends, enjoyed the academic experience,
tried new things (sports, music), and was well prepared for the world of work.

This is a great option. Congratulations and Good Luck!


thank you so much, this was very helpful!


Is this the one from arounf 2010?


So old, and kids relating their experiences 2009-2013.

Thanks for looking that up!