experimental section are out - DECEMBER SAT 2008

<p>After</a> the Test</p>

<p>have fun ;)
lol, its not like we haven't deduced what it wasn't</p>

<p>what does equating and “spr questions”?</p>

<p>section 5… man, what was in section 5?.. =_=</p>

<p>Yes, someone please explain to me what “equating” means? Thanks.</p>

<p>equating means “the one that doesn’t count toward your score”</p>

<p>So I assume equating = any experimental section?</p>

<p>CRAP…failure :(</p>

<p>Section 4 reading WAS the one that had anecdotal evidence, and eclipse right?</p>


<p>Wait, I’m confused. So was carpeting an experimental? Because everyone else had longitude, Korean hands, privacy, gardening and longitude and not carpeting, but I thought carpeting was section 4…</p>

<p>Oh wait, nevermind, the carpeting was section 6 which was experimental… gotcha</p>

<p>I had the first test.</p>

<p>So the second reading section was experimental?</p>

<p>…Which passages did that one have, lol?</p>

<p>i had the first test too. i think the 3rd section math had the one with the path from one place to the other wit the semicirlces</p>

<p>did anyone have the first version with math experimental ?
anyone still remember questions from that experimental -.-</p>

<p>spr = student produced response.</p>

<p>i did…was section 3 the one with the weird angle question
or the one with 75 numbers, median of 2, find smallest sum?</p>

<p>^ Yeah I had that one. The last question had something to do with the median of a sum of integers being 2, asking what was the total of the integers.</p>

<p>i did…was section 3 the one with the weird angle question
or the one with 75 numbers, median of 2, find smallest sum?</p>

<p>yeah i had the math experimental. it was the one with like 7 cylinders, distance of the dotted line from A to B, etc.</p>

<li> Essay

<li>Reading (includes two long passages)</li>
<li>Mathematics (includes SPR questions)</li>
<li>Equating (the one that doesn’t count toward your score)</li>

<p>Whats the experimental</p>

<p>What Carpeting section are you talking about? i didnt get that</p>

<p>I had the math experimental, but different questions than dothedew36 did
Darn it, that was the easiest one for me! The angle one (section 2) was what I hoped for</p>