Expository Prose

<p>Ok so I'm really down to the wire trying to decide which essay I should send, and I'm wondering what bearing people think the grade of the essay will have. Last year for my final project in AP US History I wrote an eight page reasearch paper about the American invovlement in the Northern Ireland conflicts. The class was really hard for me but i tried really hard on that paper and recieved a B. Now do you think it will look bad if i send a B paper, even if i think its pretty good?</p>

<p>I have some A papers that I could send, but I don't know if they are as good.</p>

<p>I have the same problem as well…i think an A paper would look better and they just want to see that you can write properly so I don’t think it matters that much</p>

<p>are all of you guys scanning the copy of your essay with the teacher’s comments? Or just sending the attachment from your country…i’m having some trouble with it. Because I hand wrote an in class essay for AP English, and I still don’t know if I should send it…</p>


<p>I’m turning in an in-class AP English essay too. You could do what I’m doing, which is send a photocopy of the original, and then also send a typed-up version of the essay just to make it easier on the admissions officers’ eyes.</p>

<p>hey i sent one of my theory of knowledge essays in…</p>

<p>should i be “uh-oh”'ing?</p>

<p>but i got an A+ and my teacher wrote about a page in red ink about how much he loved it and how he has a completely different outlook on me now…</p>

<p>i think it said a lot for me even though its not your typical “essay”</p>

<p>I have another question. When I tried uploading my photocopied essay to the supplement, my file exceeded the size. I ended up just sending the word document of my piece, with an explanation of the assignment, and the teacher’s comments in red. If I emailed the admissions office my actual photocopied essay, do you think they would mind?</p>

<p>Expository prose is not a research paper.</p>

<p>Dardar, I had the same problem with my subsmission. You can use the PPTMinimizer program to compress your file below the 500 kb limit. It worked for mine just great. Here’s the link to download it (it’s free): </p>

<p>[PPT</a> Minimizer download](<a href=“http://ppt-minimizer.uptodown.com/en/]PPT”>http://ppt-minimizer.uptodown.com/en/)</p>

<p>It works for Word documents, as well as Powerpoints.</p>

<p>no mine wasnt a research paper…</p>

<p>the exact essay was on whether or not you think that more than one reality exists and your argument.</p>

<p>never mind anyways, i spoke to someone who told me it was all good :smiley: </p>


<p>Son currently writing paper for senior english on the 10th dimension or something about reality folding in on itself. I admit I was only half listening and that half didn’t really get it. :)</p>

<p>From the Hamilton website:</p>

<p>"Expository Prose (required)</p>

<p>With your application, you must include one example of expository prose that you have written for a school assignment. Describe the assignment on a separate sheet and attach a photocopy of the original, complete with teacher’s comments and grade. You should submit an analytical essay, a book review or a research paper."</p>

<p>I sent a research paper. Why do you think expository prose is not research paper, Modadunn?</p>

<p>i dont want to speak for him but i think he meant that you shouldnt send in like a lab report or something of that nature…</p>

<p>my e.p. was an analytical essay so, its in the big guy’s hands now lol</p>

<p>“Expository” is just a type of writing that explains something. I submitted an analytical paper on “The Great Gatsby.” My thesis was about how the novel exposes the flaw of the American Dream and the paper explains that assertion. I agree with the poster above me that Hamilton just does not want you to send in a lab report or something similar.</p>

<p>ok that makes sense. By research paper I didn’t mean lab report.</p>

<p>Now all we can do is waiting and praying. Has everybody here been admitted by your ‘safe’ choice?</p>

<p>i wasnt talking about you, i was talking about what Modadunn had said…</p>

<p>and i was accepted to my safety but, if i make NO OTHER college but there im going to take a gap year and do some volunteer work, along with studies, overseas. :stuck_out_tongue: </p>

<p>I have a few more backups but i only have about three or four schools besides Hamilton i would WANT to go to.</p>