Extended Essay Subject Area...Latin Translations?

Hi everyone!

I’m a tad (extremely) late in starting my extended essay, but I think I’ve just come up with a question:

How does Cicero’s Paradoxa Stoicorum compare to Seneca’s De Brevitate Vitae in regards to the authors’ cultural backgrounds and interpretations of stoicism?

Firstly, is this question okay? Is it narrow enough but also hold potential for an insightful essay? Secondly, do you think it’s too focused on philosophy? My advisor is my Latin teacher, and while she knows her philosophy pretty well, she’d rather not advise a whole essay on it. I could swing it toward a more Latin-y Roman-y direction, right? And lastly, what subject area would this question go under (besides philosophy so I don’t freak out my advisor)?

Sorry for all the questions, my advisor is currently unavailable or something so I can’t really ask her anything. I’d appreciate any advice/feedback! :slight_smile: