Extended Essay

<p>Is it better to do my extended essay on my intended college major or can they be totally unrelated. I'm thinking of doing Biology in college but I'm kind of wary of doing all these experiments for EE and is also interested in doing History. Which one should I do?</p>

<p>I don’t think it really matters. It doesn’t determine your college admissions and hardly anyone is going to actually see it. Do it in something that interests you. (But in general, I would not recommend doing it in a subject area you are not taking the class for.) Bio could be a good experience in designing your own experiments and research that could be useful in college, but don’t feel obligated to do that because you want to major in it. You only have so much longer before you have to specialize and narrow down to bio. If you really want to do it in history, do it in history. Either way, I think you will be fine.</p>

<p>I agree with nanotechnology - do what interests you. Also, since you have to do student designed experiments in your IB science, it may get a bit overwhelming to do another one for your EE. I am a former IB Biology teacher (and IB ESS teacher, and IB coordinator, and IB mom), and I had several students do a Biology EE because they loved Biology, but their experiments didn’t always go as planned. They had to repeat the experiments several times with less than stellar results, and sometimes had to completely rethink their plan. I had one student who was so frustrated she ditched her Biology EE the week before it was due and wrote an English one instead. Not trying to discourage you from doing Biology, but you can’t always control what happens with experiments, but you can have control over a History EE.</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply I have decided to do history. I figure that experiments are time consuming and inconvenient</p>

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