Extracurricular Proof?

<p>How does the college know that you've actually done the extracurriculars you claim to have done? Does my principal need to send in papers?</p>

<p>No, they trust you. I’ve heard of schools calling you HS to check, but that’s pretty rare. However, if you lie and are found out, your acceptance will be rescinded.</p>

<p>The point being, be honest. Colleges will trust you, so don’t abuse that.</p>

<p>I know a lot of schools include students’ extracurricular activities on their transcripts, or the counselor mentions them in his/her recommendation.</p>

<p>Your letter of recs might talk about them for a bit, usually counselors verify your activities in their letters/forms.</p>

<p>don’t UC’s randomly screen applicants. Like 10% of applicants have to show some sort of proof of their involvement?</p>

<p>Yes, the UC’s are the only schools I’ve heard of doing that though.</p>