<p>I'm 15 and a sophomore in a not top notch high school
I'm taking all the accelerated/honors courses available and am getting good grades
what I'm really worried about are my extracurriculars. here's what I'm in:
SADD (students against destructive decisions) since 9th grade
Science Olympiad ( Iwon a couple medals, like one 3rd place each year) since 6th grade
Debate (a competition within the school, we won both times and I won most worthy opponent from the other team) since 9th grade
Stock Market Game
I'm in gifted education
I'm on Academic team (JV)
I'm gonna try to make a jv movk trial team
I was in drama and did tech last year
I'm gonna get a job over the summer</p>
<p>The point is, I'm in a decent amount of stuff...(right?), but I don't really have all the leadership roles they always want and IDK if my p-sat scores (65 CR 66 M 65 W) are that great either
What can I do in the next couple of years to improve an application for college, and what do u think of what im doing so far</p>
<p>thnx sooo much for any replies, I'll give you any advice I can in return also if u help me out
thank you:) good luck yourself for college!</p>
<p>Seems to me that, from experience you have a good layout of ECs, but should choose what you are really passionate about and focus on that. If you’re into mock trial, go as far into that as you can, in as much depth and explore related activities. The most important thing seems to be to apply yourself to the areas that you really love, and stick with them through the years. Good Luck! =]</p>
<p>Remember colleges would rather have you do 3 activities and hold leadership positions and active roles in them instead of doing 10 activities and being an average or no contributer at all. You should think about volunteering at a hospital and Food Kitchen. Not all volunteering can always be extrodinary… like coaching a team or something… do something meaningful such as a hospital and soup kitchen or even get a job at a hospital if you want to get paid, ask ur guidance counselor foropportunities to tutor a younger student in a subject your strong act. Hope this helps… Chance me please at:</p>