Extremely Concerned

<p>My HS average is a 84.12
applying to School Of Management
should I write a note explaining why I have that kind of grades attached on to the supplement application, i really wanna go to this school
my SATs and extracurrics are decent</p>

<p>From what I hear, SOM is extremely difficult to get into. So…I would suggest a few things. First off, if you can, apply to Harpur EA (you can transfer to SOM later on if you get accepted). Write a good essay and then stay busy your senior year. You might get deferred and this is the time to write a letter explaining that you really want to attend Bing and fill them in on any new extra curricular activities you have done. After that, there is not much you can do about except hope for the best and seek alternative choices. And if you really want to attend Binghamton, there is absolutely nothing wrong with transferring there in the spring or fall '10. Just keep your grades up no matter what happens because if you get accepted to Harpur, my buddy tells me you still need a really good GPA to transfer to SOM your sophmore year. And if Bing doesn’t work out all together, then explore other schools where you can be somewhat satisfied, get a high GPA and then transfer to Binghamton. Binghamton will be more competitive this year than last, but in my opinion, not by much. Good luck, and whatever happens, you will be successful no matter what path you take.</p>