<p>Just went on my son’s my butler account and was able to see the FA package…</p>
<p>Thank you for posting! Didn’t know they posted the info online.</p>
<p>Thanks so much for posting this! I didn’t realize you could view them online, either.</p>
<p>Well, this is a depressing way to start the morning…</p>
<p>Did you get info? Not good news?</p>
<p>I couldn’t find out anything and it says we have not sent our signed tax returns… I guess we hadn’t seen that we had to send them. Butler’s merit aid was not really what we hoped and daughter had put Butler lower on her list, so guess we let it slide. Had you sent yours?</p>
<p>with decent merit aid and decent FA package, Butler is looking good financially. sorry to those who didn’t get what was expected</p>
<p>Hi Buckeye… I did not send in our tax returns to Butler. Were did you see that they needed that? Our FA package was listed under accept/decline awards… it was NOT listed under VIEW FA. So, look under accept/decline awards. Our package makes Butler doable since it is now less then our state school… but they did not meet our need but nor do they claim to meet 100% need.</p>
<p>Thanks, GiantsFan, I will try again. I don’t think I was doing it right!</p>
<p>I went in again, and found the place where is lists aid for 2011-2012. It says to click on the link to the year you wish to view. The problem is that the year is not a link you can click on. In small print it says the year’s link will be disabled when the aid is being processed, so I wonder if ours hasn’t been done yet.</p>
<p>Yeah that means it hasn’t been done yet. Maybe they want your tax returns before they finalize a FA package</p>
<p>My daughter loved Butler and it was her top choice. We knew they didn’t meet 100% need but with a relatively low EFC we had hoped for more need based aid than she received. Unfortunately, she did not receive good news in her FA package and she and I would both have to take out large amounts of loans each year in order for her to attend. She has had to rule Butler out and is sad and disappointed. However, I’m a firm believer that things happen for a reason and this is showing us that her path to college was meant to lead elsewhere.</p>
<p>Best wishes to those that will be attending Butler next year. It is a wonderful school and a beautiful campus!</p>