I’ve had to develop a thick skin as a moderator, so Facebook comments don’t get to me anymore.
No smile on the face of this famous male guitarist playing an upbeat tune. Doesn’t take away from the performance at all.
Oh, gosh. I give up. I have obviously not made myself clear to you at all.
It’s the being singled out as a WOMAN with comments from MEN about smiling or not smiling and what I am choosing to wear. It’s the double standard within the group!
The comments here are way too nice. The commenters in the FB group you are citing are sexist axxholes but it doesn’t have to be your job to educate them - prob too much stress and not worth it. Block block block. If you want to try you can coldly say “no need to comment on my appearance”. Certainly don’t thank them.
Sungha has performed with this guitarist and I think they only smile when they’ve finished the song.
I agree - seems ironically you may be having same problem here with people thinking it is appropriate- you don’t need to convince anyone, block them.
I love those folks who can do this percussive tapping! It’s so cool!
Wow - so much going on in that! I can’t imagine!
They play a mean Pachelbels Canon on YouTube.
Is this a public acoustic guitar group or a closed group? I glanced at a couple public groups and there were very few comments or even likes from most people’s postings of their playing .
I took guitar lessons, played acoustic guitar (and sang) as a teenager and young woman, was in a band, etc. I do sometimes wish I had kept up with it. I am impressed that you continue to play and have put yourself out there. If it’s a private group that you want to continue in , and post on YouTube as well, you may continue to get an occasional comment you don’t like. You can ignore, block, respond. Your choice. Play on!
Glad my sarcastic remarks have not gone to waste.
It’s a closed group. But, large!
I did figure out how edit a video and chop off my head, but the angle of the guitar is such that doing so cuts off a lot of what my left hand is doing. So, I’m not sure I can position my phone so that both hands can be seen without showing my non-smiling face.
But isn’t this the whole point of the post - why are the men not giving other men this “constructive” criticism.
A private group of over 20,000 in it is bound to have a big mix of people commenting. Sorry you are dealing with some comments that are bothering you. If it were a small, intimate private group it would seem definitely important to voice your concerns . With such a large group, maybe ignore, block, ask for moderater help to remind people of posting guidelines, respond to the post, or send a private message to whoever you felt made inappropriate comments, etc.
Sorry you are upset by the comments that were made. All the best with this Facebook group if you continue with them! Is there a similar private group that might have more women in it that you could join also that might seem more supportive?
Responding to the original title–the good for me as far as FB groups is the vast array of supportive writers groups I participate in. I would say at least 90% of what (very moderate)publication success I’ve had comes from the support, tips, leads, critiques, and relationships which I’ve gotten from these groups.
And I will add–these are almost entirely women or women-identified groups only. I never have to put up with the kind of gendered criticism that @Hoggirl has described here.
Even in the very few non-gendered writing groups I belong to, those sorts of comments would get shut down by the other participants pretty quickly. I’m disappointed no one is pointing out their irrelevance in that group.
Just coming back with a funny. One guy posted a video yesterday where he is wearing NO shirt and the angle of the filming allows viewers to see up his nostrils. No comments on either of those aspects! Lol.
The homeowners association I belonged to in NoVA had a FB group. Most people were decent but during the last few years I noticed a disturbing trend of young male posters being very nasty to women posters. If they disagreed with a man they would let it go, but if they disagreed with a woman she was harassed. I reported several remarks made to me and other women. Pretty sure several others did too, because these guys have been thrown out of the group.
There is a misogynistic element on line.
It may not be the right solution, but I feel like I’d want to see all of us join that FB group and comment asking for smiles or on the clothing of the men who posted to the OP
Probably not, but I definitely appreciate the sentiment!