Facebook pictures have dire consequences

<p>S's prospective fraternity was just suspended by the university due to pictures of underage students drinking in the fraternity house. Now the fraternity can't hold any social events or take any new members for one year. Each member must complete 20 hours of community service, attend a risk management seminar, and meet or exceed the current chapter GPA of 3.086 in order to gain "probation" status for next year.</p>

<p>Dire, but certainly not unexpected.</p>

<p>All or most national fraternaties and sororities are not only trying to decrease underage drinking with chapter and house rules and regs, they are policing the faceboo0k pages. My D gets an email every so often that is sent out to all the members reminding them about what can and cannot go on facebook, and that national “can see” and will take action. Her local chapter has fines to keep stuff off, so that national or the university does not sanction them as a group. I am not sure if this keeps down underage drinking or just keep down the pics. For most sororities, alcohol is NOT ALLOWED to be served in the house period, only at sanctioned functions not held at the house. So that helps. I know it is a different story at Frats, which is often where the girls go so they can drink…</p>

<p>It’s to be expected. I wouldn’t consider suspending a fraternity to be dire, either. They could have faced much worse consequences.</p>

<p>A fraternity and hockey team at my (old) college “participated” in a porno filmed on campus by College Invasion.
Several students were kicked out of the college. The college found out about the porno from some students bragging about it on Facebook.</p>

<p>On what basis were students kicked out of school for participating in a pornographic film?</p>

<p>If you don’t put yourself in compromising situations, you have nothing to worry about. It’s that simple…</p>

<p>Well atleast these kids will learn not to be stupid anymore. However If I had a quarter for every facebook pic that I have seen with underage drinking at frat parties…I would have a lot of quarters…</p>

<p>Nothing new here. There’s many pics people have that would never make way on Facebook. Even detagging yourself doesn’t always help.</p>

<p>Because I’m sure none of the administrators EVER even considered drinking while underage…</p>

<p>This country needs to realize that a little alcohol here and there will not bring about the end of the world…</p>




<p>It is still against the law!</p>

<p>“A fraternity and hockey team at my (old) college “participated” in a porno filmed on campus by College Invasion.
Several students were kicked out of the college.”</p>

<p>For doing what, living the American Dream?</p>



<p>It was also against the law for the Sons of Liberty to dump all of that tea into Boston Harbor…</p>

<p>I think what skybax is getting at is that yes it is against the law, but it’s a dumb law. The drinking age in most European countries is 16-18, and they manage completely fine. They have less drunk driving and drunk in public charges than we do. (at least among their own people, among tourists, well…)
I’ve been drinking since I was 17, and now that I’m 20 (and still, technically underage for alcohol, although there are people younger than me who’ve died in Iraq…) I don’t even drink that much anymore. I won’t even be 21 for another 8 months. It’s a dumb law. Period.</p>

<p>It’s so funny when people sheepishly conflate morality with the law.</p>

<p>Laws are based upon morality…</p>

<p>“It is still against the law!”</p>

<p>It was also against the law to help slaves to escape</p>

<p>It doesn’t matter if it is a stupid law or not. The administrators are not going to just let it happen and show the world that it is happening (by it being on Facebook!). They can (and have) be held liable if something stupid happens on their campus. </p>

<p>Personally, I wish all alcohol was ILLEGAL PERIOD. But we all know that won’t happen…</p>

<p>So you would agree that Rosa Parks should have been arrested and thrown in jail for sitting at the front of the bus?</p>



<p>A melange of underage drinking, some student were below the age of consent and for the filming being done on University grounds - maybe a few other reasons too. I don’t know the entire story.</p>