FAFSA troubles Canadian!


<p>When I applied to colleges, I said that I would apply for financial aid. Most colleges use FAFSA for applications. When I tried to complete the FAFSA for 09-10 I couldn't get past the first step because Canadians like me do not have a social security number. Is there any way to get past this? </p>

<p>If I do not submit a FAFSA does this lower my chances? Or does it just mean I wont be able to get finaid.</p>


<p>This link may help:</p>

<p>[eduPASS</a> | Financial Aid for International Students | The FAFSA](<a href=“http://www.edupass.org/finaid/fafsa.phtml]eduPASS”>http://www.edupass.org/finaid/fafsa.phtml)</p>

<p>The best solution is to call each college directly and ask them how they want you to handle it.Most major colleges have international applicants, so surely this question has come up before and they have some way of dealing with it.</p>

<p>FAFSA is only for Americans as it determined government aid that international can’t get. You need to fill out Profile and/or or the institution’s own forms if they have them. Hurry, most deadlines have past.</p>