Failed a Class: Unsure of College Prospects

<p>Hey guys!</p>

<p>TL;DR: I failed a semester of English. I'd like to think I'm smarter than that. What will colleges think? Probably will end up going to U of I: Chicago. Want to go to American U.</p>

<p>Kayso I'll just list out my stats:
GPA: 3.20 unweighted, 3.5 weighted.
Course load: Honors/AP with regular classes (mix) first two years, regular classes this year (Junior), AP/regular classes (mix) again next year.
ACT: 32-33
SAT II U.S. Hist: estimated 700
AP tests: All 4's
Rigorous high school.
I'm a boss at essays.
I can get great rec's.
Extra-C's: YMCA Youth/Government, Junior Statesmen of America (JSA), Chess Team.
Schools I want to go to (as of now): <em>American University</em>, University of San Francisco, and ("safety" - I think) University of Illinois: Chicago. There aren't many colleges I want to go to.... -_-</p>

<p>My problem? Well, mostly it's that I failed my second semester in sophomore year of Honors English II. How terribly will this affect my college chances? I know this isn't much of a an excuse, but that semester I did terrible across the board. Literally, the only B's I got (ironically) were in my 2 math classes. C's for everything else, and then the dreadful F. I was dealing with some depression around that time (not documented), and the previous semester wasn't bad. I got a B the first semester in the English class. Would colleges note that? And yes, I am taking an online class to make up for the credit...though sadly I can't redo the grade.</p>

<p>Any advice/thoughts? Even with UIC, what are my chances there? I know the average gpa is like a 3.1, but will the F look as bad as I think it will?</p>