So I failed my psych class and I am doing a freshman forgiveness class for it, and there’s another class that requires me to get a c in it, but my final grade is a d+. Does this ruin my chances of continuing my education? I’m not suspended or anything but I just don’t want this to jepordize my future.
I think the big question is why you failed. Were you in over your head academically? Or was it a matter of organization-- you simply couldn’t get to the assignments? Was it a matter of playing too much and not making your schoolwork a priority?
As you’ve said, you’re not suspended, but every time you end up with a grade that’s lower than required, you at the very least cost yourself a LOT of money and time to retake those classes.
Meet with your academic advisor – before Christmas break if at all possible-- to explore these questions and to make an action plan.
@awarren15, are you a freshman? Even when I was in college (the dawn of time), there were first-year kids who messed up in their first semester. The wise ones straighten themselves out pretty fast. Learn from your mistake and start putting in the hours of study needed to do well in school. I tell my son that his college transcript will be the most important aspect of his resume. Would-be employers may forgive a first semester mess-up on a transcript. Most likely, they’ve been there theme selves. Don’t be discouraged. Just make it a point to give your best effort to your classes going forward and make sure that resume shine. No, one bad semester will not ruin your chances at a great career. Redeem yourself and show them what you are made of.
Up to your college what they do in those circumstances. Follow the rules, depend on your adviser for help, and move on.
The only thing that will truly impede your education is you not really wanting to go to college. If you really want to go to college, you’ll spend the time and get through it.
I have a friend who barely had a 2.0 GPA in college, who has a 200K per year job at a Fortune 50 company.
OK thank you
And yes this is my first year