Failing a Pass/Fail class

<p>Hey guys. So Im taking this summer P/NP physics course along with summer school chem, and I cannot keep up with both. Unfortunately, I just found out that I can't withdraw from physics b/c we are not allowed. We can only pass or fail once we are in. We have one week left (the course was 15 days, 4 hours a day) and I'm thinking about just "failing" bc it WONT hurt my GPA. With it out of the way, I can focus on chem and actually get some sleep every night.
I plan on retaking physics 1 during the year whether I pass or fail so I learn the material effieciently.</p>

<p>Will failing the class show up on my transcript? And will it harm me if when I apply to Northwestern University? I'm an honor student with a 4.1 GPA if that helps.</p>

<p>I’m also interested in University of Chicago.</p>

<p>That’s a question for your high school counselor. You seem to be confident that your gpa will not be affected, so maybe it won’t be listed at all?</p>