Failing an AP class in my senior year...

So as the title suggests I am failing an AP class in my senior year of high school and I’m not sure what to do. It is not an easy class (AP Chem) but i’m not sure if I should drop it or just take the loss and see what happens. I have already been accepted to my top pick college and I have called them to get their opinion on it but they wont help me unless i give them my information and I don’t to do that until I have this situation straightened out. So I seek wisdom from you… any advice will helps and thank you for your time.

–Talk to your guidance counselor to see if you can still drop the class.
–If you can drop the class, call the college and ask if dropping the class would impact your acceptance decision.
–Other than that are you doing absolutely everything in your power to get through the class with a C? Seeing the teacher after school? Asking for extra work? Getting a tutor? Going through online help such as Khan academy videos on topics?

Drop it. The usual rule is no D or F grades. You would have to work super hard to get a passing grade next semester.

See if your GC will talk to the school on your behalf.

I am puzzled why you won’t talk to them. They’ll find out eventually. Either you have a D/F on you transcript, or your transcript shows one less class than you said you were taking. The point is either option has its downsides. At some schools you can be rescinded for not taking and passing the classes you promised to take senior year. And at some schools (often overlapping with the previous set) you can be rescinded for a D or F.