<p>fain/cooper or schein for ls2?</p>
<p>I didn’t have Fain or Schein, but took Cooper/Simmons last quarter. Personally, I liked Cooper. I know some people on Bruinwalk gave him bad reviews because they couldn’t understand his accent. I think that his accent is perfectly understandable. He is a very approachable and concerned about student learning. He is very straightforward. He tests directly off his slides and the diagrams/notes he writes during class. He says you don’t really need the textbook as a main source of studying, but is a great supplement to help you understand difficult concepts (the textbook is great by the way). His test questions are fair and gives hints of what they could be during lecture and review sessions. I never went to his office hours since they conflicted with my other classes, but my other friends did. If you are confused about a general concept, he’ll explain everything step by step, which my friends found very helpful. </p>
<p>Overall, I think Cooper is a great professor, but I don’t know how he is with Fain.</p>