Schein or Fain/Cooper for LS2

<p>C'mon, I know you've all taken LS2. help me decide between Schein or Fain/Cooper for LS 2. Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>both seems hard...</p>

<p>Schein is easy, pretty much just memorization for the 2 midterms/final. Exams were OK, based on the lecture notes mostly, but it seemed like some questions were just randomly pulled from them. Had I not procrastinated I probably would've gotten an A, there is a lot of material to memorize. I also hated was the clicker, I don't know if all the other LS2 profs use it, but it was damn annoying. There was a lecture clicker quiz EVERY lecture, 2 questions only, on the day's lecture, so you have to read the powerpoints ahead of time. Labs were easy but depends on your TA. and his voice/lectures were annoying...he makes you repeat words after him out loud like we're in the 1st grade, what the hell?</p>

<p>yeah, schein wasn't too bad. pretty straightforward exams and he's definitely not as boring as a lot of the other professors i've had. i agree with peachy - the clicker quizzes are annoying - nothing too hard but just a nuisance. obviously i didn't take fain/cooper but my experience with schein was fine so i'd personally say go with him.</p>

<p>i heard that fain is an evil, evil man.</p>

<p>Phelan FTW!</p>

<p>i hated fain. cooper's accent can keep you amused, but fain has no redeeming qualities.</p>

<p>so i guess schein is better choice than fain/cooper!</p>