Fairfield and the sciences

I know Fairfield has an outstanding reputation for Business. Anyone have any thoughts or experience in the sciences at Fairfield, particularly Biology?

I know the nursing school is top notch. My son is a freshman in the business school.

Thank you. Yes, I’ve heard great things about Nursing as well. My son is interested in Biology, thinking of going pre-med or a PhD in Genetics. I’m wondering if Fairfield is the right place to start.

My daughter is a senior- not science major, but she had 2 good friends who graduated last year as bio majors and got into very competitive graduate programs. They seem to have had a great experience.

Please join the Fairfield University Parents of Applied/Accepted Students Facebook group or if your child is a current student join the Fairfield University Parents of Current Students Group.

Thank you Beenthere22. This puts my mind at ease.

@missmissyny - Check out Providence College - my daughter was admitted EA in biochem, and she received a significant merit award and honors program invite. It’s one of her top choices. PC just opened a new science wing and undergrad research opportunities abound.

@missmissyny - I followed you on another thread and see that your son is a senior considering acceptances vs.a junior seeking info. on prospective schools. We considered Fairfield in the search process, but we did not get a good feel for the strength of its biology program, so my D never applied. My advice is to do a deep dive on their website to find outcomes for their bio majors. Have your son email the dept. chair as well. PC had an accepted student day last weekend and answered our questions on the program. Can I assume that Fairfield will be holding a comparable event?

they pretty decent

Thank you @ChillDad for your helpful advice. My son has already been accepted into some excellent programs and he applied to Fairfield at the last minute not knowing too much about it. He’s still waiting for their acceptance but, unless the $ is huge and the academic outcome is great, he will choose one of the other schools. What you’re telling me, though, is kind of what my instinct told me. We will dig a little deeper. Did your D decide on Providence for sure yet? Best of luck to her!