Fairfield University BSN Nursing Major?? Chance me??

<p>Hey everyone. I was just wondering if anyone knew how hard it is to get into Fairfield University's nursing program. I toured it over the summer and it's a beautiful campus. My dad wants it to be my 1st choice but honestly, I don't know if my 3.5 GPA and my 1000 CR+M SAT score will be enough. I still have 1 more SAT and ACT coming up but I don't know how well I'll do on those :/ Any response would be helpful!!</p>

Having been on in a long time. How did you make out? My daughter graduated from the program in May, 2014!

@aspirewire Hey, my score didn’t improve that much so I ended up not applying :confused: I probably wouldn’t have gotten in, and I also didn’t like the lack of diversity on campus. How did your daughter like the university and nursing program though? :slight_smile:

A good friend of mine got in because they are SAT optional and was given $15,000 merit money–it’s a really nice school – Sacred Heart (located near Fairfield) is also SAT optional…good luck