Fairfield University Social/Party Life

so I haven’t gotten a chance to tour Fairfield u yet because of everything thats going on but I’m going to see it soon and while I’ve done my research on the school, I haven’t found much about the party/social scene. Now before someone says it I am very well aware that college is for the degree and you shouldn’t pick a school for partying but I think it’s really important for me at least that I fit in and feel comfortable wherever I end up. I have a few questions about Fairfield that I’ll list:
•how many nights a week do kids go out?
•who throws the parties and are they hard to get into?
•is there options most nights of the week ?
•fake ids?
•bar school or house party ?
•do a lot of kids use “the devils lettuce”
Thanks for any and all input !!!

Looks like decent
niche dot com/colleges/fairfield-university/

My son is a junior and we are pretty open about everything. I think the cliche work hard play hard applies at Fairfield. Most concentrate on classes/studies during week and leave partying to weekends. The seniors that live on the beach have parties as well as the juniors living in the townhouses. The beach parties may be harder to get in and like any school probably hardest for freshman. Only seniors live off campus so they would be the only house parties. The town is strict so students have to wait to enjoy the local bar until they are 21.