Fairleigh Dickinson University- Metropolitan campus

<p>Has anyone visited FDU? Do you like it there? Is there a lot of stuff to do in the area? Is the school small? Do they give out scholarships?</p>

<p>I haven't visited, but since I live in Teaneck I have somewhat of an idea about the campus. Well, Teaneck is just an average surburban town. There are things to do, but it usually consist of either hanging out on Cedar Lane, which is a long street that is just a few block perpendicular to the campus. Or you can take the highway to go to the Garden State Plaza Mall, which is a cool place to hang out. Or if you want to get away from the surburban atmosphere, you are a 30-45 minute bus ride away from New York City!</p>

<p>The campus is spread out on one street, but it really isn't LARGE. It is basically one of those schools where you can't really get lost, but at the same time, the buildings aren't really close, close to each other.</p>

<p>It's a nice area though. I would have applied there, but since I do live in the same town, I would have to be either stuck commuting from home, or if I did live on campus, I would have to worry about my parents making suprise visits everyday!</p>

<p>here's a link to the site <a href="http://view.fdu.edu/default.aspx?id=320%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://view.fdu.edu/default.aspx?id=320&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>and a link about the scholarships <a href="http://view.fdu.edu/default.aspx?id=394%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://view.fdu.edu/default.aspx?id=394&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>My son graduated from the Madison Campus and now attends grad school there in accounting. Thus, let me answer your questions about the Madison campus:</p>

<li>He LOVES it there. there are great facilities for work outs, wireless is omnipresent, and the campus is beautiful and well maintained. The only catch is that many kids go home during the weekend after Friday classes. This can be a positive since it allowed him to study without annoyances.</li>

<p>2.Madison itself is a very nice affluent NJ town with a number of very good restaurants. However, for fun, besides staying on campus, kids go to NY. Manhattan is only about 40 min drive from the school. You can also take a bus there. </p>

<p>3.It is a fairly small schools with about 3,000-4,000 enrolled. </p>

<p>4.Yes ,they give out scholarhships. My son got $6,000 per year and many friends got $10,000 as merit scholarships. In addition, if you put down an alumni, they will automatically give you an extra $1,000 off the first year tuition. If you go, just PM me, and I will give you my son's name.</p>

<p>I should note that it is a very nurturing place. Lots of tutoring and help. Most professors are very accessible.</p>

<p>FDU has 2 campuses. One is in Teaneck NJ (the metropolitan campus), and the other is in Madison, NJ (the Florham campus). Both campuses were described in the posts above.</p>

<p>My son is a current freshman at the Florham campus in Madison. I know you asked about the Metropolitan campus, and as northeastmom says they are not the same thing. From what I can tell from my son, there is very little interaction between the two campuses. The Florham campus is on the grounds of a former Vanderbilt mansion in a nice suburb, but with a train stop at the edge of campus which makes visiting NYC pretty convenient.</p>

<p>We're from CA (but have family nearby in NJ) so he's on campus during the weekends when a lot of students do leave. (Over 80% of students at Florham are in-state.) He says it's quieter, but there are still plenty of other students around and he's not bored. He received a <em>large</em> merit scholarship; if your stats and ECs are above average there, be sure to complete your application by Jan. 15 and get in two letters of recommendation along with all your scores by that date, and you will be automatically considered for the Colonel Fairleigh S. Dickinson Scholarship<a href="along%20with%20other%20merit%20awards%20that%20don't%20have%20that%20Jan.%2015th%20deadline">/url</a>. If selected for consideration, you'll be invited to a Scholar's Day in March for an interview, after which they'll make you a merit scholarship offer. And if you are considering the Florham campus and want an honors program, look into the [url=view.fdu.edu/default.aspx?id=680]Florham Scholars specialty programs in Science, Business, Global Studies, or Arts & Humanities. They are really great small-group programs and offer some nice benefits and opportunities.</p>

<p>My sons loves his professors, loves the campus, has made some good friends, and is basically pretty happy with his choice.</p>