Fall 2012 Decisions

<p>My son received the same email since his major is in CALS, but he had already been admitted when he received the email about the scholarhip application.</p>

<p>midwesty - I recieved the same email around the time you did, but have not heard about any admission decision likewise</p>

<p>@midwesty. My son got the same email but from College of Letters & Science. I might be dead wrong in terms of it being “signal” but every classmate of my son who was accepted got that email. My sample is biased since I don’t know what emails did or didn’t go to people rejected. Just a hunch. Here is hoping it is a signal for you!</p>

<p>Thanks - Rousse54, Pacamed and Badgerdad</p>

<p>for the info, feedback and insight.</p>

<p>Hey guys, I was accepted a week and a half ago but still haven’t gotten any sheets to fill out concerning dorms in the mail. I got a general packet about housing info, a letter about scholarships and a packet about some other apartment housing. Should I be concerned that I haven’t gotten a selection sheet to fill out and turn in?</p>

<p>Also, concerning scholarships and the CALS honors program, am I automatically considered for both, or do I need to apply and when? I guess I actually already know that one must apply for CALS honors, but I am confused. The CALS honors info page on the site says I apply during my freshman year, but it seems as though others in the past have applied during their senior HS year…or was that L&S instead?</p>

<p>Any advice/info is appreciated. Good luck to all.</p>

<p>PS: Nice win over Penn State today. GJ Badgers.</p>

<p>@midwesty I got that email (applied to CALS) and didn’t think much of it. I have not yet been accepted but I sure hope it is a “pre-signal”!</p>

<p>I’m an instate applicant and applied to Madison around early October and checked the status on net id. It said that my application was acknowledged on October 15th. I was just wondering around how long does it take it take to hear back from them? Also, I’ve noticed that a lot of out of state applicants have been hearing back, but not as many in state ones yet. Does that make a difference?</p>


<p>I’m a frequent reader and occasional poster on CC (Wisc). What I’ve learned from CC and more importantly the UW website, is that the committment for decisions is end of January. It’s a rolling process, meaning decisions could come at any time, and the timing of review of applications is not done by receipt date, instate vs. OOS, gpa, ACT scores, major, etc.</p>

<p>Sit back, try and relax, or chew your nails like the rest of us!</p>

<p>Good Luck!!!</p>

<p>is it possible to receive an online decision without receiving an email first?</p>

<p>Has anyone still got the same status and not updated yet to being reviewed? even all the materials have been received</p>

<p>I had everything sent in by October 15th and since then it’s said my application is being reviewed but I haven’t received a decision yet but it seems like a lot of other people are. I’m getting a little worried!!</p>

<p>Yes, you will find out on-line first followed by decision letter in mail.</p>

I’ve had everything in since October 5th… I feel your pain! I know someone who applied mid-September & they don’t know yet either! Grrr… Stressed out!</p>

<p>SoCalgirl94, my S’s app was completed on 10/10 and we have no decision yet either. We are OOS. The waiting is REALLY hard, especially if UW is a top choice. My S is staying positive, encouraged the wait means his app is truly being reviewed holistically, and that it will be worth the wait! Hang in there, you are not alone!! :)</p>

<p>Our kids received decisions in the third week of December. One applied in September, the other on October 31st. I’m not expecting a decision for #3 until then.</p>

<p>Sinatra, thank you for sharing…maybe S can take a deep breath now!! :)</p>

<p>My status even has not updated to being reviewed. I really worry :(</p>

<p>abc - when did you send your stuff in? I submitted my application late on 10/31; my test scores, transcript and recommendations had been there since mid-September. My status shows that everything was received on 11/3, and that was also the day that the “application being reviewed” message showed up.</p>

<p>I got everything received on 11/23. But I still have the same status. It’s not changed to being reviewed.</p>


<p>This is me guessing based on the info you posted in this thread.</p>

<p>The deadline for first notification period was Nov. 1st. From mid-September till Nov. 1st, something like 75-80% of the total number applicants for fall 2012 completed the application process. Their status changed to “reviewing” a few days to a week after all materials were received. In exchange for getting the info in before Nov. 1st, those applicants will receive an answer before the end of January. For applicants after Nov. 1st, you may not get an answer until end of March. </p>

<p>The fact that your status hasn’t changed probably means they are reviewing the tens of thousands of applications submitted during the first notification period (before Nov. 1st) and they are not updating status on those that arrived for second notification period, since they really aren’t reviewing those applications at this time.</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>