Fall 2012 Decisions

<p>I just sent them an email asking about the status. They replied me and said a decision has been made. But when I checked my student center, I can’t see any decision. :(</p>

<p>I have been following this thread for awhile now, but this is my first post. Congratulations to all who have been accepted!!
I sent in my application on Sept. 15 and it has been complete since the end of september. Still awaiting my decision…very anxious!
has anyone with David O’Connor as their admissions counselor heard a decision???</p>

<p>Welcome AbbieW93 and good luck!!</p>


<p>I have David O’Connor as my Admissions Counselor, as do my classmates, and nobody has found out yet. Best of luck to you!</p>

<p>Hi new to this site. How do you find out who your Admissions Counselor?</p>


<p>use the link below, it will take you to the info page you can populate to find your counselor.</p>

<p>[Meet</a> Your Counselor - Office of Admissions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison](<a href=“http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/counselors/]Meet”>http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/counselors/)</p>

<p>Welcome to the fam! To answer your question, ts on the wisco website under undergraduate admissions, it says something along the lines of find your counselor and you type in your state and other info to refine your search</p>


<p>Thanks for the info. Looks like my D sounselor is Sheri Lunde. Anyone have her or from the Chicago area that have received any decisions. I haven;t heard of anyone from here and I know about 50 kids from her school applied.</p>

<p>I’m from the Chicago burbs, but my counselor isn’t Sheri Lunde. Over 50 kids from my HS have applied and I only know of one person who has heard back. It’s possible that there are people I don’t really know who have heard, but only one person has told me that she was accepted, and Naviance is only showing one acceptance (not sure how accurate that is, though).</p>


<p>My S just received his decision, DENIED. :frowning: he is bummed, truly believed UW may be the place for him. His first (hopefully only) rejection and my first going to college. This stinks. Thanks to all who shared the process with us. I hope your outcomes are better than my son’s.</p>

<p>FYI–we are OOS, his app was complete 10/10, have had “evaluating” message for over a month.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>Hey everyone…</p>

<p>Just got accepted and I am sooo excited.</p>

<p>Im out of state NJ, and attend a top ranked public school.
8 APs, rest honors.
3.7 GPA unweighted
1910 SAT, 730 math, 600 writing, and 580 writing.
I am a bit surprised, thought I would be postponed!
I applied early October.
Good luck to everyone else!</p>

<p>Just got accepted!!! SO HAPPY!</p>

<p>4.0 GPA
1900 SATs
4 AP’s
Tons of awesome ECs
Out of state NJ
Great essays</p>

<p>Im pumped! I wasn’t sure if i was going to get in because of all the high stats that they were accepting, but i’m so glad now. Not my top choice but definitely up there.</p>

<p>congrats so proud of everyone!! salmon247 who was your admission counselor? and is that GPA weighted or unweighted?</p>

<p>My counselor was Martinez White…and my GPA is weighted but my school does not calculate unweighted GPA’s</p>

<p>It looks like the New Jersey admissions folks were busy today. Congrats Salmon and Badger 33. Nova88, I’m sorry your son is disappointed and I hope he finds the perfect school for himself. It’s so hard when there are so many more qualified students than there are spots in a class.</p>

<p>Sorry to hear that Nova88. I saw elsewhere you are from beautiful Hunterdon County. I graduated from North Hunterdon. Love Hunterdon County. I go back at least every couple years.</p>

<p>Mazel tov babiess!!!</p>


<p>can you please share your sons stats</p>

<p>Nova88: So sorry to hear about your son. I know he will have some great choices in colleges and I hope although he is now bummed about UW he will eventually end up at a school that is perfect for him. Kids really do end up at the best place for them. Good luck in his and your search.</p>

<p>You can calculate your unweighted gpa. Use the grade for the course and ignore any points added for honors/AP et al.</p>

<p>Congrats to all accepted. Those who will end up elsewhere- you will also have a great college experience.</p>