Fall 2013 Decisions

<p>where did you hear that?
hope that’s true, that would be amazing!!</p>

<p>The university reported that it received 29,034 freshman applications, a figure that is more than 4,00 more than just five years ago and that is also a record for UW-Madison. More than half of those who applied (54.6) or 15,841, were admitted, with 6,279 ultimately deciding to become Badgers. 2012 as the largest ever freshman class for the UW Madison.</p>

<p>The above data is for the freshman class of 2012</p>

<p>I was postponed today. Not exactly a huge surprise, but in case you guys are curious, here are my stats.</p>

<p>GPA 3.7UW, 4.5W
ACT 24
Honor Society, 2 varsity sports, 5 AP classes, President of Gov’t Club, Model UN, volunteer at my church every week, amongst a few other good EC’s.
Great rec letters
Great essay
From New Hampshire
I am white</p>

<p>Not too surprised by the postpone. This was a reach for me.</p>

<p>Oh well, good luck to everyone else! Hope this helps!</p>

<p>Hello There! My Step-D just heard (she’s from Florida) and she is IN. Pre-Athletic Training. :slight_smile: Go Badgers</p>

<p>I just got in! I applied in mid-October, and I’m from NY. I dont know when my application changed statuses because i lost my username/ password and had to call them just now to get them again once I saw the email :stuck_out_tongue: anyway, if you’re interested, here are my stats:</p>

<p>white, female, non-prestigious public school
GPA: 3.7 UW, 4.3 W, IB diploma
SAT: 2150 CR:730 W:730 M:690
not many extracurriculars, but i was really passionate about my main one- it was part of my essay
great teacher recs & essay</p>

<p>good luck everybody! hope this helped!</p>

<p>Yay! Son got accepted tonight. Applied October 31st.<br>
OOS Texas magnet school
4.4/4.8 w 3.7/4.0 uw
11APs at graduation
AP Scholar with Distinction
2210 / 1520 SAT 800 Bio SAT II
Top 10%
heavy involvement in academic extracurriculars (Science Olympiad, Science Bowl)
lab internship, work experience</p>

<p>Good luck everyone!</p>


<p>Last week at Woodman’s grocery store in Madison, I saw a distinguished looking older gentleman with a white goatee wearing a cowboy hat. I can’t say as though I have ever seen someone wearing a cowboy hat while doing errands in Madison, though it must be very common in Texas.</p>

<p>When does UW guarantee a notification by? I applied on October 10th, and have yet to hear back.</p>

<p>My son was postponed, from IL
ACT 31
GPA UW 5.1
AP classes, NHS, IL State Scholar, strong extras & good recommendation letter. He’s also in the top 11% of his H.S., which is highly ranked in IL. He more than met the qualifications, that the website said, to be accepted!!</p>

<p>Really? First page of Admissions section on the web has it all the timelines.
<a href=“http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/applyOnline.php[/url]”>http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/applyOnline.php&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>End of Jan. is the answer.</p>

<p>Wisc uses a 4.0 UW GPA scale. Can’t be a 5.1 UW.</p>

<p>My son’s school is on a 5.0 scale. I don’t know how his GPA would factor in for WI.</p>

<p>Our school uses the plus so the unweighted grades go to 4.3. I remember when my daughter went to the NYU session and the Dean told us that they recomputed each GPA to the same scale, he also said if you don’t take AP and honors classes don’t bother to apply. In our school There are honor, A and B (+.3, 0, and -.3). I don’t recall any student that graduated with honors going to UW. I wonder how many students out of the freshman class at UW graduated HS with honors??</p>

<p>Collegekidz2: I hope your son eventually gets accepted. IMHO the 31 is definietely Wisc. material. GPA must be the issue. I still don’t understand how he can have an UW 5.1 when the high school has a 5.0 scale. You can check Naviance or other tools for your school and what the averages are for Wisc. At my high school, the average was 30 ACT and 3.7 UW GPA. Good luck!</p>

<p>When will those who were postponed find out their actual decision? March or so?</p>

<p>Daughter just got accepted to dance major. Application completed on 10/30 and auditioned on 11/17. We are from OOS.</p>

<p>GPA: 3.7/4.0 UW
SAT: 1880
Ext Act: ASB president, Interact president, school dance team captain.</p>

<p>Hope this help and good luck to everybody.</p>

<p>My DS applied 10/26, was accepted 11/16 :slight_smile:
ACT 33
GPA 4.1 (W on 4.5)
Top 10% of his class, NMSF
Private Catholic high school in MN, strong EC’s with leadership</p>

<p>Naviance averages from his HS are ACT 31, GPA 3.9.</p>

<p>For those trying to compute UW GPA’s (what admissions uses), it’s pretty straight forward:
A = 4.0, B=3.0, C=2.0…it doesn’t matter whether it’s an AP course, honors course, regular course, whether you get a “+” or a “-”…all the same. They will then look at rigor of coursework separately. Another approach for you to understand how you stack up, if your school subscribes to Naviance, you should be able to see your stats compared to others from your school that have applied to Wisc and how you stack up.</p>

<p>Hope this helps. The wait can be frustrating. If you think you’re on the fence, or if you get postponed, send in first semster grades and any additional recognition or accolades (state scholar, AP test results, officer positions in clubs, sports recognition), etc. </p>

<p>It never hurts to send in one additional letter indicating that Wisc. remains your top choice (if it is).</p>

<p>Students are accepted to the university as a whole, not a specific school, college or major. A major et al is requested to help in assigning the SOAR advisor. Declaring a specific major does not always mean you will get into it if it is a limited enrollment one, such as some engineering majors, nursing or education majors. You can change your major at any time without it affecting your acceptance.</p>