Fall 2013 Decisions

<p>My son just got accepted. 3.76 GPA (weighted)/32 ACT. His school has a ridiculously tough grading system.</p>

<p>I’m going crazy waiting! My D is as cool as a cucumber! She’s OOS, NY; 4.0 weighted; 29 ACT; great essay; very good ECs; decorated athlete. Hope she hears soon.</p>

<p>When did they apply?</p>

<p>My son applied at the end of September.</p>

<p>I got in today, it’s so exciting! It was a safety for me but I love the school, and if they gave me as much aid as tulane did, it’d be high on my list. I had gotten locked out of my.wisc and thought i was going to have to wait until monday - the anticipation of that would have killed me!</p>

<p>^^ brookablook same here I wish Tulane wasn’t so freaking expensive. Got waitlisted at UW-Madison though… -.-</p>

<p>Do u mind sharing stats for accepted and wait listed??</p>

<p>My son was accepted last Tuesday. Oos-Minnesota. Weighted GPA- 4.05, ACT-30. Well rounded course list, extracurriculars- part time job, baseball, volunteer tutor.</p>

<p>Forgot. NHS and 9-AP classes-AP Scholar.</p>

<p>Accepted on Dec 7th!!! So excited, though whether I can go or not all depends on my financial aid.
I’m OOS from RI, 3.83/4 unweighted gpa and 1980 SAT</p>

<p>Words can’t even express my excitement!! And I hope everyone else has good results too.</p>

<p>Did you take the act? And who was your counselor?</p>

<p>I was accepted on the 8th! It was my first acceptance, so I am very excited! I am OOS. I go to school in Rhode Island. I don’t know my GPA because my school doesn’t calculate them, but I get straight A’s. I got a 2110 on my SAT (CR: 690 M: 720 W: 700). I will have taken 6 APs by the time I graduate. I hope these help. Congratulations to everyone else who was accepted!!!</p>

<p>CALS scholarship info was just sent out with dorm info, anyone else?</p>

<p>OOS midwest student with a 3.3 gpa and 29 ACT. I received acknowledgment of my application on 10/10. On 12/7 I found out I was postponed. Two other students at my school were postponed, two were accepted. We all applied in late September/early October.</p>

<p>if you are postponed, does it tell you on the application status website? or do they mail you a letter and then change it online later?
i know some schools do that. not sure about wisco though
anyone know??</p>

<p>They send everybody, regardless of what their decision is, an email saying their decision is available to be seen on Wisconsin’s application check (myUW) thing. I was postponed on Friday, and have not received a letter as of today. I saw my postponed status online.</p>

<p>ok thank you! so anxious. applied mid october and still waiting to hear back</p>

<p>My understanding is that after last year’s record number of freshman, there are more postponements being sent out this year.</p>

<p>that may be true but i hear a good amount are accepted after being postponed. like more than other schools i am applying to.
just hope i hear back soon!!</p>

<p>Appears they may keep taking slightly larger classes than in the recent past. Target raised to about 6000-6100 from 5800. Not getting as many transfers as in the past and have room.</p>