Fall 2013 Decisions

<p>This is from the admissions website. “Applicants are expected to achieve a high level of performance in the course work they pursue and an increasingly strong academic record. We do ask for your GPA and class rank. We also realize that many schools consider GPA on different scales and some do not report GPA or class rank at all. We consider both GPA and rank in the context of your school. We typically see unweighted, academic GPAs between a 3.5 and a 3.9, and a class rank in the 85–96 percentile.” They are comparing students in a high school. If the HS uses weighted and don’t rank then UW will put the students in the rank as they review the applications. I don’t think that you can compare two students from different schools by GPA. “”“We consider both GPA and rank in the context of your school”"""</p>

<p>just found out on friday i was deferred which was very upsetting
last year deferred applicants heard back mid march around the 15th</p>

<p>Sorry to hear that volley, stats?</p>

<p>Stats: 3.2 GPA, 1800 SAT, (African-American)</p>

<p>My Decision was postponed, w/e that means.</p>

<p>Postponed is just a deferral meaning you will be in the regular applicant pool. How were your essays and junior course load? In state? We have similar stats.</p>

<p>I thought my essays were okay. my Junior course load was rigorous but I do have a steep Upward trend in my Junior year, I think I ended with like a 3.5-3.6 (i had a medical issue fresh/soph year which explains my low gpa). Varsity fb/basketball 4 years, play the sax, OOS student</p>

<p>My application has been submitted, complete, and under review since 10/17, yet I am still waiting on a decision. Super anxious, considering UW Madison is my top choice/dream school.</p>

GPA 3.62 W 3.34 UW on 4.0 scale
ACT 28
Dozens of extracurriculars
National Honor Society President, International Thespian Society Secretary, Spanish Honor Society, Women in Science and Engineering Secretary, Chorus President, 4 years of the all school show, JV sport one year, lots of service (mission trip), the list goes on and on
Good essays, 1 great rec
3 APs, 11 honors by graduation</p>

<p>50-50-admit vs postponed.</p>

<p>Are they releasing decisions every Friday?</p>

<p>Just got accepted tonight!! So happy!
3.7 UW 4.4 W
31 ACT
OOS ~ Illinois</p>

<p>Heard back tonight and was accepted!!! :slight_smile: Waited exactly 2 months, as my application was received 10/18. My ACT was a 28, Extra Curricular include Varsity tennis 4 years/captain, violin/piano since I was 5, student council, key club, HOSA, work as a tutor, and also part of a few leadership groups in my city. Gpa- 3.8/4.0, I think I’m in the top 15%-25%, STRONG upward trend, definitely struggled my freshman year, took 1 AP last year, taking 4 my senior year. I’m from MN.</p>

<p>To all of you still waiting, hang in there!! I would say I didn’t handle the waiting very well, nervous wreck because I knew I was cutting it pretty close. It’s so hard, but just keep working hard on school and realize it’s out of your hands now, nothing else you can do!</p>

<p>I’ve been waiting since September 22 and am still yet to hear! I’m stressing out over this. 33 act 4.1 W and 3.95 UW. 4 year athlete. Nhs. State scholar. Out of state. Great high school. People around my area are starting to get in. Wish me luck</p>

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>I was wondering, how much does UW-Madison really consider the rigor of your schedule? I have a 31 ACT and a 3.51 GPA Unweighted/3.86 Weighted (In state) which is a bit low but also 11 AP classes by end of this year (1 sophomore, 5 junior, 5 senior) and 4 honors classes so would that offset my lower GPA a bit? I believe my essays were all very well written, extra-curriculars were diverse and plentiful with leadership positions (treasurer for student council, founder of anti-bullying program, leader of Milwaukee volunteer organization, varsity tennis for 2 years, captain of Ping-pong Club, work at Princeton club, AP Scholar with Distinction, Received Honorable mention twice in state-wide piano competition, NHS) and letters of rec were also good, so the only thing that has me worried is the GPA aspect. </p>

<p>Thanks for any input you guys may have.</p>

<p>Rigor is taken into account. Since you’re instate you should be OK with the 3.51 UW GPA and a 31 ACT. OOS would probably get a postpone. To be safe, do everything you can to maintain or improve your 3.51 this semester.</p>

<p>Does anyone know if the admissions office will continue to get decisions out at this point? Wondering if everyone packs up for break and nothing will occur until January 7th or whenever school begins again. Son applied 10/31 (OOS - Indiana) and hoping we don’t have to wait until January 31st! Really, really hoping for Wisconsin to come through but worried about the difficulty for OOS applicants. (Son has 33 ACT, 2200 SAT, 3.5 UW, 4.5 W, NHS, National Merit Semifinalist, AP Scholar, Honors in piano competitions, orchestra, taught tennis full-time to low-income kids, etc.) REALLY love Wisconsin and hoping for the best…</p>

<p>Last year’s thread showed people getting notified on Christmas eve, althrough break. I know someone that got the e-mail notification to check status at half-time of the Rose Bowl game on Jan. 1st last year.</p>

<p>I’m getting pretty nervous. I applied 9/22 and I haven’t heard anything back yet. My GPA when I applied was a 3.59 but has gone up to a 3.6 after first term senior year. 4 APs and many other honors and 27 act. Grades have only gone up since freshman year. NHS, 4 year 3 sport athlete, other good ecs, good essays and well written recs. Also, I’m in state.</p>

<p>Naviance is the best tool to use. Look at your graph function. I know when my son applied two years ago he was on the top range of those accepted in prior years. Naviance is an indirect way of evaluating your school.</p>

<p>Any idea when they let you know about the decision? I sent my application in September and they received everything they needed by 10/3. I am starting to stress out haha</p>

<p>Applied Early November
SAT - 1990
GPA UW 3.5 W3.8
Strong essays and ecs
Dosen’t matter as I already enrolled at a different university</p>