Fall 2013 Decisions

<p>Just wanted to wish everyone luck! I applied as a Wisconsin resident, because Madison is really a great school! I never got my acceptance, but I am withdrawing my application because I was accepted to Duke University! I know, however, if I didn’t get into Duke, and did get into Madison that I would be happy there because it really does have a great atmosphere. For those of you that get in congratulations, to everyone else, good luck!</p>

<p>Just got accepted today. Some basic stats.
Applied early November
Major: Chemical Engineering
SAT: 2260(800 M, 710 W, 750 R)
GPA: about 3.9 UW
Decent essays but I did them both like the day before they were due.
Lots of ECs with a lot of depth in quizbowl and quite a bit in robotics
Other achievements: National AP Scholar, National Merit Semi, National Honor Society, some other statewide awards.
Other places applied: Illinois, Minnesota- Accepted, MIT-Deferred, Caltech-Rejected, USC, Cal, Princeton, Northwestern, Carnegie- TBD</p>

<p>Really happy that I have been accepted to the 3rd best chemical engineering school in the country. Definitely considering coming here but I’m going to wait and scope out my options. Good Luck to everyone who hasn’t got a decision yet, I hope you make it.</p>


GPA - 4.3W 3.8UW
Strong essays<br>
Strong recs
ACT - 27 (really low I know!)
Captain of Varsity Hockey and Baseball</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone waiting on decisions!</p>


Strong Essays/ 3 Strong Recs
SAT: 1860</p>

President of DECA(Raised over $15,000 and was featured on the Today Show)
Treasurer of NHS
Varsity Co-Captain (3 time state competitor and 2 time district champion)
Key Club
Safe School Ambassador
Student Council Representative
Spanish Club</p>

<p>From Virginia…I’m kinda confused as to why I was postponed…really disappointed!</p>

<p>Any Advice?</p>

<p>off topic , how do u fill out the courses part for the app?
do u need to fill in the “course title” and how do u know if the course is 2012-2013 or just one or the other?</p>

<p>You look good for getting in eventually. Consider this round a first cut where only the top 25% of apps get in. Still plenty of room. Keep grades up and should be good news later. Test scores a tad low but decent.</p>

<p>Yeah I’m not great at test taking…never have been. Thanks for the help though!</p>

<p>Will we hear back over break?</p>

<p>Still nothing, but then again the site said January notification, so I’m not too worried yet.</p>

<p>Applied 10/28
3.451 UW / 3.805 W GPA
32 ACT
1910 SAT
Top 25% of class
Several AP and honors courses
Average EC’s</p>

<p>I realize that I’m a pretty average applicant…</p>

<p>I was also wondering if the fact that I was locked out of my NetID has something to do with it, but I obviously can’t do anything about that until after the holidays.</p>

<p>just sent in my application materials, but awaiting transcripts from school to be sent.</p>

<p>Accepted! </p>

<p>Received notification email at 716 pm today </p>

<p>In state
3.506 uw gpa
31 gpa (30,32,32,30)
Good essay, extracurriculars, and letters of rec.
Received everything on Nov 6</p>

<p>Good luck to the rest awaiting!</p>

<p>Congratulations Davel!!!</p>

<p>Correction: 31 act not gpa, oops</p>

<p>Has anyone heard anything in the past few days?</p>

<p>Nope… I’m getting nervous finally. Applied on October 16th.</p>

<p>I applied October 28th. I’m going crazy!</p>

<p>Nope! I applied October 2nd! I’m going insane!!!</p>

<p>I applied September 21. Still no response.</p>

<p>Still no response! Many of my son’s friends have received a decision, the waiting is agony! When are they guaranteeing a response?</p>

<p>Still waiting, completed on October 26th</p>