Fall 2013 Decisions

<p>Same here! Thanks for the advice!</p>

<p>It’s not 4-6 weeks because Wisconsin had all my info on September 25. I still haven’t heard and people who submitted in end of October have already heard. Many denials with scores of act 30 and lower and gpa 3.8 and lower in my area. Wisc is my first choice. I have a 4.1 weighted and 4.0 unweighted and 33 act. What are my chances?</p>

<p>As much as all the seniors want to get this done with, and know the result, there is simply no way to know for sure when any particular student will get a decision. Based on last year’s results threads, 4-6 weeks was typical turnaround, not absolute, and there were plenty of students who heard in 4 weeks and plenty more who heard much later. The early admits were typically the high stats applicants, with few early rejections (or maybe students were reluctant, understandably, to self-report rejection), and plenty of postponements during the fall cycle.</p>

<p>From scanning through this year’s decision threads, there are not many reports of postponements, so maybe there are more early rejections and fewer postponements? It is all conjecture at this point.</p>

<p>As a parent who lived through (and sometimes participated in and contributed to) the obsessive checking of admissions status updates, I know this will make you crazy. As hard as it is, try to find other areas to focus on, including your academics this semester. </p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>@MilkeyWay I’m from Florida and have not heard anything yet…</p>

<p>I’m from wisconsin and they had my application “under review” since 9/22 and I haven’t heard anything yet. A girl from my school applied the same day as I did and heard back a few weeks ago.</p>

<p>From Illinois, still waiting for a response since 10/04</p>

<p>Quick question on the Student Center Page–Under Material Status List, does it ever list your letters of rec as an item? My son’s has the status on test scores, app fee and transcripts only. I know letters were sent in for him, but since they’re not required, I was wondering if they even list them on the page. Or (gasp), does this mean they never got to the counselor? Just curious if anyone else saw line items different from what I’m seeing. Thanks!</p>

<p>No teachers recs do not show up…would assume sent with transcripts (our school sends them out together)?</p>

<p>Teacher recs are not required and therefore not part of the Materials checklist. I thought letters of rec were only done through an on-line process, with a link that teachers use to submit electronically and then the teacher gets confirmation it has gone through. </p>

<p>I could be quite wrong, and there could also be a hard copy procedure for letters of rec. However, if you used hard copy letter of rec direct from your school, it may be worth a respectful email to your admissions rep asking for confirmation that the letters of rec were received. </p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>My daughter’s application has been complete since 10/26, and we haven’t heard anything yet. We are from Illinois.</p>

<p>I think there is an option where the teachers can print out a hard copy of the recommendation form and then mail it in. I just don’t think that the recommendations are part of the checklist because they are not a required item. Both of my daughter’s teachers that provided recommendations for her have told her in the person that they submitted the recommendations form, and it never showed on her application. Again, I just think that is something that does not show up because it is not required.</p>

<p>It is so tough to wait for a decision, but hopefully everyone will have theirs soon! Good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>Thanks for the clarification on hard copy teacher recs – that makes sense. </p>

<p>Good luck to all, it is excruciating to wait, especially when you see reports from your area or even school.</p>

<p>You are correct Midwestmom…so many applications!</p>

<p>Thanks for the answers on the rec letters. I figured as much, but thought it was easy enough to ask on this forum.</p>

<p>I applied early September (can’t remember the exact date), and got accepted last week.</p>

<p>GPA: 5.2 weighted (we use a 5 pt scale) 4.5 UW (90% average)</p>

<p>ACT: 34 </p>

<p>Good essays</p>

<p>Average extracurriculars </p>

<p>My friend was rejected with a 30 ACT and a 4.47 weighted GPA with bad extracurriculars so evidently test scores aren’t as important as GPA and EC!</p>

<p>Who was your counselor? in state or oos?</p>

<p>S applied mid October (think transcripts were sent Oct 19). Accepted today. OOS NJ</p>

<p>congrats kurz! i’m from nj too so we probably have the same admission counselor (martinez white) i applied around the same time.</p>

<p>do you mind sharing the stats?</p>

<p>Hey y’all. UW engineering sophomore, here. I haven’t checked CC in a while, but thought I would to see the status of applications since I have a few friends and family applying.</p>

<p>Personally, I know the UW admitted too many freshman for my class (entering fall 2011), and they scaled back a little last year (entering fall 2012). I don’t know how the quota was affected this year, but keep your heads up.</p>

<p>If I remember correctly, I applied by mid October and heard back by mid December, so there’s nothing to fret about if you haven’t yet heard. If you’re curious of my high school stats, here they are to the best of my remembrance:
WI resident
weighted GPA 3.97 (I don’t remember my unweighted GPA, but it must have been closer to a 3.25)
ACT 31 (after three tries, because I wanted to have the best chance for acceptance to my dream school!)
Volunteer hours
NHS, a few school clubs and sports</p>

<p>A good number of my friends scored in the 25-28 range for the ACT and STILL WERE ACCEPTED (not even waitlisted), so you have every reason to be confident!</p>

<p>As for my housing recommendations, I absolutely suggest Witte or Sellery. They provide you with a plethora of people to meet and befriend, and great location (close to downtown, many restaurants, Kohl Center, new Gordon dining hall), and are not far from any buildings. Actually, I have a few friends that transferred form Lakeshore to Southeast (in this case, Smith) because they felt Lakeshore wasn’t social enough and too far from “all the action”. Trust me, I love biking and running the Lakeshore Path to Picnic Point, but I can’t imagine living that secluded from Madison itself. Secluded may be inappropriate in this case, but that’s my opinion. </p>

<p>Lastly, I haven’t heard much news regarding acceptance this fall. I have a few friends that haven’t yet received any letters. </p>

<p>Anyway, good luck to you all. I’m sure you’ll receive the response you’re hoping for!!
Go Badgers!</p>

<p>Correcting my last post after remembering, my unweighted GPA was 3.76. Sorry for the confusion.</p>

<p>Thanks for the information! It really helps!</p>